Why not me?

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A/N: Lol, I would recommend listening to the song washing machine heart by Mitski, you should also check out here other music as well! :) Also this fic is really short sorry


   Oh, how Technoblade loved Dream. You could tell from the way he looked at Dream. Techno was so happy that he and Dream were in a relationship. But oh, how Dream loved George, you could simply tell from how Dream talked about George.

Yet, Technoblade knew this, knew that Dream didn't love him the way Techno did, knew that it would probably never happen, and yet, he stays with Dream because he's in love with Dream.

He also understands that the only reason Dream is with him is because George is already taken. George has been dating Sapnap for the last 3 years, and Dream and Techno have been dating for the last 2 years.

He understands all of this, and he pretends he doesn't. He pretends he doesn't care, that it doesn't hurt him. But it does. It hurts him so much.

Sometimes he wonders if Dream will ever move on from George, If Dream will ever learn to love Techno, but he knows the answer is no, because that's not how love works. Hell, he's a perfect example of that. If he could he would let go of Dream he would, but he just can't.

So he keeps quiet, he acts like he doesn't hear when Dream calls him George. Acts like he doesn't hear when Dreams call him George when they make out. Because he doesn't care. Not one bit.

But he gets tired when he hears Dream talk about how great George is, or about how lucky Sapnap is, because Dream never talks about Technoblade. Never, it's always George.

Techno understands all of this. He knows that it will probably always be this way. But when he's alone, he always just can't help but think "Why not me? Why can't he learn to love me?" But deep down he knows the answer, because that's just not how love works.

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