New Neighbour

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I called everyone to meet at Meh Burger and surprisingly Knuckles, Sticks and Tails were already there eating burgers.

"Oh! you guys were already here?" I asked.

"Yeah." Tails replied.

Then I joined then and ordered a burger.

"Hey! Do you think that Sonica has found the address?" I asked.

"Sonica? Ohh! That girl who we met at the beach. I guess she has found the address." Tails replied.

"Hmmm, I wonder where she must be living?" I thought to myself.

Just then Sonic arrived and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Hi guys." He said.

"Hi, Sonic. Come join us." Tails said.

"Sure." Sonic replied and sat on a chair next to Tails. Then he ordered some chilli dogs.

We were also busy in eating our burgers.

Then Sonic said, "Hey do you know that someone has shifted next to my shack. Who could it be?"

Then I gasped and said, " It must be her! That means she has found the address." I cheered.

"What? Who are you talking about?" He said while scratching his head.

"Sonic, we met a girl today at the beach and her name was Sonica. She could run fast just like you." Tails said.

Then Sonic chuckled and said, " Stop it, Tails. It's not April fool's day today. No one can run as fast like me."

I rolled my eyes.

"Its true. You tell him Amy." Tails said.

"Ugh, I don't think he will believe us so let's just go and meet her." I said. Then everyone nodded.

- Time skip -

After we reached our destination (i.e Sonica's house) I knocked at the door. Then the door opened.

"I didn't expected you would be here Amy, Tails, Sticks, Knuckles and blue hedgehog." She said.

Her eyes were so cold and stern.

"Um.. that's Sonic. He is your neighbour." I completed her sentence.

"Well, nice to meet you, Sonic the hedgehog." She said again.


"Well, nice to meet you, Sonic the hedgehog." The new girl said with such a cold gaze.

"Um, Nice to meet you too." I said, "What did you say your name was?"

"Sonica, Sonica the hedgehog." She replied in a monotone voice.

"Oh! So her name is Sonica. Well, she is a hedgehog having blue fur, red stripes on arms and a small red lighting bolt symbol or something on her forehead. But I still don't believe she can run as fast as me." I thought to myself.

"Well, Sonica do you wanna hang out with us?" Amy asked and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I have to arrange all the furniture, so I can't." She replied.

"Then we can help you." I said.

"Yeah, Sonic's right." Tails added.

"I can do it myself. You can carry on with your works." She replied again.

"She doesn't want our help? Maybe she doesn't trust us?" I thought to myself.

"Come on, Sonica. We can help you and besides we don't have any other thing to do." Amy said.

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