Training and Care

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"Use all your power, Sonica! Don't hold back!" shouted Shadow.

"Are you sure it's safe?!" I shouted back while trying to control a huge wave of fire, lighting and wind.

"Yes! Unleash your powers!!" Shadow shouted again.

I grunted and pushed my hands ahead as a bright red and yellow flame was coming from my palms. The flame was made by the combination of fire, lightning and wind. It was getting larger and larger by each second. I felt like I was going to loose control, "I can't do this anymore..!"

"Yes, you can! Just stay calm!" Shadow clenched his fists while watching me.

"I-It's too much!!" I tried to control the flame, but my body was getting weaker and weaker.

"Shadow.. I think she should stop.." Sonic whispered in concern.

"No. Keep going, Sonica!" Shadow said with a stern look om his face.

"I c-can't..." I stopped my powers, the flame disappeared and I fell on my knees while panting. I felt so weak..

"Sonica!" Sonic ran to me and kneeled down beside me, "Are you okay?!"

"She is fine! I told you to keep going, Sonica! Why did you stop?!" Shadow shouted while walking towards us.

I looked down while panting, "It was too much..."

"We have been training since a week and you still haven't been able to control your powers!" Shadow crossed his arms over his chest, "How can you be so useless?"

I felt tears welling up in my eyes but I quickly wiped my eyes. "I was trying.."

"You have to try harder!!" Shadow raised his voice.

I looked down.

"She will, faker! You are being too harsh on her!!" Sonic clenched his fists while looking at Shadow, "And how dare you call her useless?!"

"Did you forget the day you called her worthless?!" Shadow shouted back.

The memory suddenly flashed in my mind.

"I never asked her to help me! I never used to run away from the battle field!! And now, Shadow must be thinking that I am a coward who hides behind a worthless girl!!"

That's what he said that day...

I looked down while hugging my knees.

"I didn't know the truth at that time! And I even apologized!" Sonic growled.

Shadow growled back, "No, you didn't! You blamed her for everything!"

"Enough.." I sniffled and and ran out of there.

"Sonica, wait!" Sonic ran after me, "Sonica!!"

I took out the chaos emerald that Shadow had gifted me on my birthday...

"Sonica, wait!!" Sonic was about to reach me but I teleported away from there and teleported to a lake which is in a hidden place of Bygone Island.

"How did I get so weak?! Crying over such a small thing?!" I kicked a stone while wiping my eyes. "But it's Shadow's fault! I was trying my best.." I looked down at my reflection in the lake water.

How could he say that..

I sighed and sat at the edge of the lake.

The water was cold and steady. It somehow made me calm..

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