Hammer Accomplished

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[ The tribe language has been directly translated in English. ]


"Sonica! What's happening!?" I shouted and ran to her.

Sonica fell on the grass and got unconscious. I started to panic. Did I do something wrong!? No, no, no, please forgive me.

"Sonica! Sonica!" I tried to shake her and held her in my arms. She was all cold. "Sonica! What did I do?!" I started to tear up.

Just then, ice started to cover the grass. My eyes widened.

What's happening!? I didn't do this..

The ice was spreading more and more. Then, I realized that the ice was...spreading from Sonica...

But how?!

I looked at those frozen grasses. Just then, Sonica got conscious.

"Sonica!" I hugged her tightly. "You scared me." I said and separated from the hug.

She grabbed her head and asked, "What happened?" Then, she looked down and saw the frozen grass and she was also shocked. "But...how.." she said and stood up slowly.

"This ice was spread from you, Sonica." I said.

Then, she looked down at her hands. "B-but how? I didn't have this ice power before." she said and looked at me.

"Wait, you didn't?" I asked.

She shook her head as a 'No'. Then, she looked down at her hands and feet.

"Did I get the power of ice element?" She asked.

"I think...yes. It may be because you got deeply influenced by...the ice and snow flakes... " I said.

She again looked at her hands. "I guess you are right. I will need some time to get used to this new power." she said.

I nodded.


I got a new...power. My face got emotionless.

"I had the power of 5 elements but now I have the power of...6 elements.." I said while looking at my hands.

"Wait, what what elements can you control?" asked Shiro.

"Fire, Water, Air, Lightning, Earth (Soil and Plant) and now Ice as well..." I replied.

"Whoa! So, your powers develop time by time?" he asked with wide eyes.

I nodded slowly.

Then, he turned around, raised his index finger and started lecturing, "I guess you are used to other powers. But! I think you will need some more time to control ice. It is-" he got cut off by me when I hit a snow ball at him.

"Hey!" he crossed his arms.

I chuckled.

"That's not f-" I hit him with another snowball.

He shook his head and the snow fell down from his quills.

"Oh, you have messed with the wrong person." He smirked.

"Oh really?" I chuckled.

Then, he drew a big circle in the air and at last, pointed towards me. My eyes widened after what I saw. Many, many snow balls started coming out from that circle and they were coming towards me. But I had my speed, I quickly dodged those snow balls.

"Impressive." he smirked.

"Now, my tur-" I got cut off by-

"Shiro! What's going on here?!" He shouted. Then, he looked down at the grass which was all covered by ice and snow...

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