Development of Emotions and Powers

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Soon, we reached the camp. Amy, Knuckles, Tails and Sticks had finished setting up everything.

"We are here!" I said while holding my injured elbow.

Then, they came running towards us.

"Oh my! What happened to you, Sonic?" asked Amy.

"Just some scratches." I replied.

"Come here. I will put some medicine. Luckily, I have also brought the first aid kit." said Amy and pulled me.

I had no other choice so, I went with her. I sat on the log and Amy sat beside me. Then she started putting the medicines on my scratches and injured parts.

"Ow! It burns!" I said.

"Then who told you to get injured? Now, stay quiet." She ordered.

I sighed.

Then I looked at Sonica. She was just sitting there on the grass with her legs crossed, holding her right elbow and staring at the ground. I just kept looking at her. Then I realized that Amy had finished putting the medicine.

"Thankyou, Amy." I said and looked at the bandages.

"You are welcome, Sonic. But next time please be careful." She said.

"Yes, I will. Oh! Why don't you help Sonica, too? She is also injured a bit." I said.

"Mhm, sure." She nodded and went towards Sonica and sat beside her.

"Sonica" Amy called.

"Hm?" replied Sonica.

"I see your right elbow is hurt. I can put som-" Sonica cut off Amy and said in a monotone voice, "No, I am fine."

Amy insisted but Sonica denied.

"Please leave me alone." said Sonica.

"Okay, then.." replied Amy and went towards the tents.

Sonica sighed. Then she looked up at the sky and looked at the ground again.

I thought I should also not disturb her so, I went inside the tents where others were.

It had started to become dark outside.

"Okay, lets light up the campfire!" said Amy and everyone nodded, Sonica was still sitting far from us.

After some time we lightened the campfire. Wooden logs were kept for us to sit, at a safe distance around the campfire. Amy, Knuckles, Sticks and Tails sat on the logs. But Sonica was sitting far from us. Then I went towards Sonica.

"Sonica, come join us." I said. She didn't reply.

She just stared at the ground.

"Anything wrong?" I asked.

"Why would you want me to join you? You guys have just met me a few days ago. How can you trust me?" She asked in a monotone voice.

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