Old Memories [Prt.2]

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SONICA'S POV -- Flashback Ongoing --

Everything was going on well. Professor had signed my adoption paper or something so, we lived together without any disturbance. Sometimes I used to use my super speed to help Eva and Professor. And my other powers also didn't seem to go out of control. I didn't let Eva and the professor know about these strange powers. Until one day...

1 year later. . .

*Knock knock* *knock knock* *knock knock*

"Sonica! Sonica!" Eva called.

*Knock knock knock*

"Sooonniiicaaaaa!!!" She called again.

*Knock knock*

"Hmph!" Eva said.

Then professor came and asked, "What's wrong, Eva?"

She replied,"Papa! Today is Sonica's birthday but she isn't opening the door. Has she locked herself?"

"What? I don't know." He replied.

*Knock knock*

"Sonica! Are you ok, dear? Open the door." He said.

*Knock knock*

"I think something's wrong!" He said.

Then he kicked and banged the door continuously until it opened up. He came running inside the room and gasped. "Oh My God!! What happened here?"

Then Eva also walked in and gasped.

There was a small flame of fire in the room, water all over the floor and light bulbs turning on and off. The curtains were also burnt into ashes.

I was at the corner of the wall, curled up into a ball. Professor recognized me and came closer to me and he kneeled down onto his knees.

"Sonica? Sonica, open up dear.. I want to talk to you." He said.

I slowly uncurled and sniffled with tears in my eyes. I looked at him and quickly hugged him.

"Professor.." I whispered.

"There there, Sonica. It's alright.." He said and stroked my quills with his hands.

"Sonica, Are you ok?" Eva asked.

"What happened Sonica?" He asked.

I sniffled and replied, "I...I don't know. I...I have....these strange powers and *sniffle* when it's my *sniffle* birthday these powers get more out of control." *sniffle* I hugged him even tighter.

"Its ok. We'll find out why it happened. You didn't get hurt, right?" He asked while brushing my quills.

Then I separated myself from the hug and wiped my tears. "Yes, I am alright, Professor." I replied.

He smiled and stood up. "Lets go to the kitchen. You and Eva haven't even ate your breakfast." He said.

Then I tried to stand up but I fell down on my knees. I guess I had used too much powers today.

"I guess you have used too much of your power." Professor said. Then he carried me in his arms and we went to the kitchen, "Sonica.. Do you know that if you use all of your energy then you might die?"

He placed me on the chair and went towards the refrigerator and took out a bottle of milk. Eva also sat beside me.

"Sonica..." Eva said.

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