Happy Birthday, Sonica!!!!!

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Everyone except Sonic was preparing for Sonica's birthday party. Sonica was still laying on the hospital bed, unconscious. Sonic was beside her, holding her hand softly. Shadow was forced to go with the others to help in the decorations and other stuffs.

Then Sonica's wounds started to glow light blue.

Sonic eyes widened a bit but he kept holding her hand. "What is happening?" He thought to himself.

Then slowly the glow faded away and all of her wounds were healed. Sonic rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Then, Sonica slowly opened her eyes.

"Sonica!" He had a very bright smile on his face.

Sonica looked at Sonic, "I want to go home.." she said as she sat up slowly and Sonic helped her.

"But you have to rest.." said Sonic.

She slowly got off the bed saying, "No.. I am fine. I want to go home.."

Sonic sighed and picked her up in his arms in bridal style.

She looked up at him and said, "I am okay..."

Sonic kissed her forehead and started to carry her home. She sighed softly and buried her face against his chest while keeping her eyes closed. He smiled slightly and continued to walk, "We will tell Amy to handle the hospital forms and all."

But Sonica was scared and worried because she knew it was her birthday today. And...during her birthdays, you know what happens, dear readers.

She had hoped that no one would remember her birthday but...


Why does she always act like she is okay?

I looked down at her as she had closed her eyes, her breath was soft and calm. I couldn't help but smile. Then I realized that she was asleep so quickly. That made me chuckle and I continued to walk her home.

Then, she mumbled something in her sleep, making me want to kiss her forehead once more. Soon I reached her house. Afterall all of us had planned the party at her house. They knew that I was bringing her now. Then I quietly opened the door with my leg because I was holding Sonica in my arms.

Amy, Shadow, Sticks, Knuckles and Tails looked at us.

"Is she still asleep?" whispered Amy.

I nodded and looked down at her with a small smile. "Have you finished everything?" I asked quietly, not wanting to wake her up.

"No. Still some decorations left. Let her sleep. Everything will be ready before she wakes up." replied Tails.

I nodded.

"And we have a surprise for you, Sonic." said Amy and I looked at her in confusion.

"What? Surprise for me? But it's her birthday today, not mine." I said.

They chuckled then Sticks blindfolded me from behind.

"H-hey.. Take that off." I couldn't do anything because I was still carrying Sonica with both of my arms.

Then someone took the blindfold off of me and my eyes widened after whom I saw.

It.. It was my mother!

After so many years...I saw her.. My mother!

She smiled and walked closer to me, Manic and Sonia followed behind her.

"M-Mom.." I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Shh.. I am here now, my dear.." She said as she wiped my tear with her thumb.

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