Mission Hammer [Prt.2]

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"Ekaw pu!(Wake up!)" I heard someone say at the door and I woke up.

But what shocked me was that Sonic had wrapped his arms around me. I quickly pushed his arm away while growling.

"Ekaw rht srehto oot." said the tribe leader.

I nodded and he went outside leaving the door open. I sighed and tried to wake them up.

"Amy, Knuckles, Tails, Sticks and..S-Sonic, Wake up!" I tried but no use.

"Ok then, you guys left me with no choice." I said to myself and snapped my fingers, summoning water balls on my hands.

"I am warning you. Wake up." I said one last time and shot those water balls at each of them.

"Ah! W-what!?" They woke up while panting.

I crossed my arms and said, "None of you were waking up so...I..had to do that. Let's go now." I walked outside.

I went outside but then, Sonic quickly came behind me and said, "Morning!"

"Morning." I replied while not looking at him and started walking again.

Then, he followed me behind and whispered, "I-I am sorry for what happened last night, Sonica."

I clenched my fists.

Why does he have to remind of that again!!? Stay calm, Sonica.

"Forget it." I said to him and was about to take another step but then, he held my hand.

"You forgive me, right?" asked Sonic.

"Yes yes." I replied in not so pleased way and pulled my hand away.

He rubbed the back of his neck.

Then, Amy, Knuckles, Tails and Sticks also came behind us but then tribe members pointed their spears at them, not allowing them to come outside.

"Tpecxe eseht owt, sreht lliw yats ni nosirp!" said the leader.

"You guy have to stay in the prison." I said to them.

"Aww, fine!" said Amy and they all went back in the prison.

"Stel nigeb!" said the leader in a stern voice.

"Lets begin!" I translated but just then Sonic whispered in my ear, "I am hungry."

"Uhh.....umm.....eh si gniyas taht eh si.......yrgnuh." I said to the leader.

Then, he nodded at his tribe members.

-- After a few minutes --

After we were done eating, the tribe leader took us towards a pool/lake. There were two thick long ropes tied separately between the pairs of bamboos, forming a rope-like-bridge. It looked like a rope-walking stunt/act in circuses. And as its name is "Croc rope", there were crocodiles in the lake/pond obviously.

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