The Future's in Danger?!

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"I swear I will kill you, Sonic!!" shouted Sonica as she started to chase me.

"Forgive me please!!" I shouted and started to run away from her.

- Flashback -

Shadow was teaching Sonica how to teleport. I was watching them. Sonica was trying to concentrate but I kept disturbing her in the middle.

"Shut up, Sonic!" said Shadow.

I smirked. He handed her the chaos emerald.

"Now think of a place and focus on the energy of the emerald. You will teleport to that place." said Shadow.

Sonica nodded and closed her eyes, thinking of a place.

"Water!!" I shouted.

"Water?" said Sonica and then she teleported within a second.

"Where did she go?" asked Shadow.

"Um...she said water, means she must have teleported to..." Our eyes widened and we quickly ran to the beach.

As soon as we reached there I saw Sonica raging in anger, glaring at me.
Her fur and clothes were all wet.

"Sonic.." She growled.

I gulped. "I-I will bring a t-towel f-"

She cut me off and said, "I swear I will kill you Sonic!!"

-- End of Flashback --

I continued running. I didn't think she would get so mad at me. I turned back to look at her but she was not chasing me anymore..she had disappeared. I stopped running and scratched my head.

Where did she go?

"Looking for me?"

Uh oh...

As soon as I turned around, she quickly attacked me and made me fall on my back while she sat on my stomach. Her fur was still wet. She crossed her arms and growled.

I gulped.

"I am sorry.." I whispered quietly.

"Way to go, Sonica!!" said Eggman with a whistle.

We turned behind only to see Eggman and a bunch of his robots.

"I am not in the mood!!" Sonica growled and quickly attacked the robots.

Before I could do anything else...she had already destroyed all the robots all by herself.. I...was speechless and so was Eggman.

"I-I will get you next time..." said Eggman and quickly flew off in his eggmobile.

"Sonica..." I said quietly.

"Shut up." she said.

I never saw her so angry before..

"Sonica..are you mad at me because you got teleported in the water..?" I asked quietly.

She growled and looked away, "No."

"What? Then why are you so angry?" I asked again.

She clenched her fists and sighed.

I stepped towards her and said, "Tell me."

"When..I got teleported into the water, I started to swim to the shore but..." She looked down.

"But what?" I asked again.

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