Different Personalities

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"PUDDINGGG!!" Sonica squealed happily while taking a bite of the pudding that Shadow bought for her.

I chuckled a little and smiled.

"Is she...okay?" asked Amy while placing a plate of chillidogs on the table.

I bit my bottom lip and said, "Well, she's been acting like a child after that whirlpo-" Shadow quickly nudged me and my eyes widened for a second.

Right! Her powers are a secret!

"She's been acting like a child since morning. We don't know why." Shadow replied while taking a chillidog.

"Oh.." Amy looked at Sonica who was playing with the pudding by poking it with a spoon, "Jiggly Jiggly~"

I sighed and put my head down on the table.

What has happened to my Sonica...

"I want more!!" Sonica started whining.

I sighed and gently rubbed her head, "You shouldn't eat so much pudding. You already ate too much."

She pouted, "But I want more..."

"Aww.." I gently pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her, "Let's eat chillidog instead, okay?"

"No.." she mumbled while burying her face in my chest.

I gently stroked her quills and felt a bit awkward as Tails, Sticks, Knuckles and Amy chuckled.

Then they started eating the chillidogs and burgers while talking to eachother.

"Can I have some cake?" Sonica whispered against my chest.

I chuckled and gently kissed her forehead, "Why do you want to eat so much sweets today?"

"Because sweets are sweet~!" she squeaked and bit her bottom lip, "I want cake~"

I chuckled again and kissed her nose softly, "Nope."

She pouted, "Please.."

"No. Have this chillidog." I handed her the chillidog and she looked down while pouting, "I hate you.."

"What?!" I shouted with wide eyes and she flinched while whimpering.

Amy, Tails, Sticks and Knuckles turned their attention towards us.

"I-I am sorry, Sonica.." I rubbed her back softly.

Why did I shout like that?!

She sniffled and quickly clinged to Shadow. Shadow looked at me with a confused look while rubbing her head softly with his hand.

"What happened to her.." asked Tails while looking at me.

I sighed and put my hand on my face, "We have to bring our old Sonica back.."

Shadow nodded.

Sonica sniffled and mumbled to Shadow, "I want to go home, dada.."

"Dada?!" Everyone expect Shadow said in surprise.

Sonica winced again.

"Guys.. She doesn't like loud sounds." I whispered while sighing.

"I think we should take her home.." said Shadow as Sonica clinged to him with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"We will come too... I am worried about her.." said Amy, worriedly.

I nodded and looked at Sonica.

"I am scared, dada..." She sniffled while clinging more to Shadow.

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