Old Memories [Prt.3]

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There was silence in the room again.

Dr. James continued, "Ever since you came in my life my position has got even lower and lower...all because of you. Now everyone will regret for what they did. With the help of you daughter and her powers I can destroy everything, EVERYTHING!!!!!"

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!!!" yelled Professor.

Dr. James laughed evilly and said, "Oh yes, I can." in a deep evil voice.

I was so scared. Professor tried to free me but it was no use.

"She can be free with only this device with me." said Dr. James.

Professor became very angry as well as worried. He, tried to get that device from Dr. James but couldn't.

"Please...don't do this. There are alot of innocent people in this world." requested Professor.

"WHY SHOULD I CARE????? No one cared for me that time. I was also innocent. BUT NO ONE BELIEVED ME, NOT EVEN YOU!!!!!" yelled Dr. James.

I was still unable to move. I thought that Professor became very angry. He quickly grabbed Dr. James's arm and tried to get the device. But....Dr. James punched him and pushed him away. My anger grew.

"Are you that stupid? Well, lets finish this game now." said Dr. James and took out a gun and pointed at Professor. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. He was about to shoot...Professor, I was ranging with anger deep inside. Professor also looked scared and worried.

But just then he was about to shoot Professor...he looked at me and smirked. He put his gun back in his pocket and said with an evil smirk, "Lets test you."

I was so confused. What did he mean? Then he pressed a button on the device and finally I was able to move. But then I realized why....

After I was free I ran towards Professor.

"Sonica!" said Professor and hugged me worriedly.

Then Dr. James started laughing evilly and pressed a button. Then everything went blank.

"No..." whispered Professor in worry.

My eyes became white with no pupils. I was in control of Dr. James. I couldn't feel myself anymore. My mind became empty.

Then Dr. James ordered, "Hit him!"

At first, I somehow felt something, I...I refused to do so but Dr. James became angry, pressed few more buttons and shouted, "ITS MY ORDER!! HIT HIM!!!!!"

It started to hurt my head, I screamed, "Aaahhh!!!!" and fell down on my knees and didn't move for a few seconds. Just then I stood up and I was no longer feeling any emotion or anything. Dr. James smirked evilly and nodded as a signal. I nodded and ran towards Professor and hit him hard.

"Aaaahh!!" he yelled and his back hit the wall.

Dr. James started laughing.

Then he ordered again, "Burn down his lab!".

I snapped my fingers and fire balls formed in my hands, I threw them here and there causing great flames in the lab.

"No.. no.. no.. no.. no.. no!" muttered Professor but the lab was already in fire now.

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