Baby Sonica?!!

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"Sonica, wake up! Sonica!" said Shadow as he shook me gently.

"Five more minutes, professor.." I mumbled against the pillow, I was still asleep.

"Professor?" he whispered.

He sighed and splashed water on me. I woke up quicky, I almost got a mini-heart attack.

"What happened? Is this the end of the world?" I said quickly while looking around the room.

Shadow just stared at me and then handed me a towel. I took it and dried my fur.

"Shadow, when did you wake up? I will make something for you to eat." I said as I started to walk to the kitchen.

"Who is professor?" asked Shadow in a stern voice.

I stopped and turned to him.

"Answer me." he said again.

Should I tell him...? Will it be right..

He stepped towards me and looked at me in the eyes.

"Tell me what are you hiding?" he said again.

"Nothing.." I said quickly as I tried to sneak to the kitchen but he grabbed my hand and said, "Tell me, Sonica. You know you can trust me."

I sighed. Just then, I heard a knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Morning, Sonica and....Shadow." said Sonic.

"Morning." I replied.

Shadow had crossed his arms.

"I was thinking if you would like to hang out today." said Sonic.

I opened my mouth to speak but got cut off by Shadow.

"We have some important talk here. So, leave us alone for a while." said Shadow.

Sonic looked at me then at Shadow. "Well, I would like to know what that important talk is." said Sonic as he crossed his arms.

"It's none of your business." Shadow protested.

"Yes, its my business. I mean...I-I have the right to know!" Sonic protested as well.

"No, you don't." said Shadow.

"Yes, I do!" said Sonic.

They kept arguing with each other. I clenched my fists as I lost my temper and shouted, "Enough now!!"

They froze.

"I will tell you what you want to know, okay?!" I said a bit angrily.

Shadow nodded and asked, "Who is Professor?"

I took a deep breath and I told them everything about that orphanage, Professor and Eva but I didn't tell anything about my powers nor Dr. James. After I finished talking, I looked at them only to realize that they were staring at me from the beginning.

"Is there something left to say?" Shadow crossed his arms.

"What the...Shadow! She has been through alot and you are asking for more?!!" said Sonic.

I growled slightly, "Don't show pity on me."

Sonic just blinked.

"Sonica, tell me, is there something else you are hiding on purpose?" asked Shadow.

I shook my head slowly.

He sighed and said, "Maybe one day, you will tell me."

I didn't know what to say...

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