Amy's Missing Hammer

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I was sleeping peacefully in my shack until someone woke me up and ruined my sweet dreams.

"Sonic! Sonic, wake up! Please!!" I heard.

Then I quickly woke up and looked here and there, "Yes, yes, I am awake."

Then, I saw Amy standing beside me. "Oh! Amy, its you. I wa-"

Amy cut me off and said, "Sonic!! You need to help me!!"

I nodded, "Ok, I will help you just give me a sec." I got off the hammock and stretched a little, then quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and dried my face with a towel and stood infront of Amy.

"So, how can I help?" I asked.

"Sonic, I had told you that something was missing!! And I know now, what is missing!!" said Amy in a panicked way.

"What is missing?" I asked while scratching my head.

"My hammer. My hammer, Sonic. Its missing. During our camp, Eggman's robot had thrown my hammer far away. I just remembered it now!!!" replied Amy.

My eyes widened. "Really? You have lost your hammer?!" I asked.

She nodded slowly, " me find it." I nodded.

"I will surely help you. But first lets call others too." I said and she nodded.

Then I called Tails, Knuckles, Sticks and Sonica and said to meet at my shack.

And just then, Sonica appeared right behind us and said "Hey."

I and Amy were frightened a little.

"Don't scare me like that!" said Amy.

"Ok, I won't." replied Sonica.

"Ok guys, come a soon as possible." I said and then cut the call.

"So, why did you call us this early?" asked Sonica.

- Time skip -

Tails, Knuckles and Sticks arrived at my shack. And as my shack has no door, they directly came inside.

"Hi, Sonic, Amy and Sonica." said Tails.

"Hi, everyone!" I and Amy said in unison.

But Sonica seemed kinda nervous. I wonder what happened..

"So, Sonic why did you call us this early?" asked Sticks.

I sighed and started explaining everything.

-- After 12 minutes of explanation --

"Oooohh! Now I get it." said Knuckles.

I nodded and said, "Now, lets go and search for the missing hammer!"

Everyone else nodded. Then we headed to the place where we had camped before.

As usual, on the way, we talked and....talked. But Sonica seemed quite. I still remember, she said that she will try to show her emotions but she didn't show any emotions till now.

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