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"Yuna did you pack your bags?" Ryujin asked.

"Yep! Don't worry. Everything's set. It's not like we are going to live there." Yuna replied.

"I know."

"Are you done packing eonnie?" Yuna asked.

"Yea. All set. Now let's go to bed. We have an early morning flight."

"Ok eonnie. Let's go to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Shinayu."

Next morning

Ryujin and Yuna were woken up by their alarm clock. It was 6 am. They both got up and started preparing for their day. Today they were going to South Korea for their vacation. Another reason to visit Korea was Ryujin wanted to study medicine in Korea after graduating from her high-school. So they wanted to look for a uni in Korea suitable for Ryujin.

Once the sisters were done getting ready they went downstairs to the kitchen with their suitcases. They kept their suitcases near the door and went to the kitchen to have their breakfast before going to the airport.

"Appa what time is our flight?" Yuna asked.

"It's at 10 am. We should leave now." Their dad said.

"Ok. Let's go. Everyone's done with their breakfast." Their mom said.

After they were all done they decided to head out. They all then loaded their suitcases and headed to the airport. Once they were there they bought their flight tickets and waited for their flight.

"Ryuddaeng eonnie." Yuna called her out.

"Ye Shinayu. What is it?" Ryujin asked while looking up from her phone.

"Are you going to stay in Korea?" Yuna asked.

"Not now. You know I still have to finish my high school right."

"Yea but after that."

"Uh huh. I will stay here cause I'll be joining a uni here. I wanna achieve my dream of becoming a surgeon."

"Just like our cousin?"

"Yep just like eonnie." Ryujin replied. "Why are you asking though? Do you miss me already? 😂"

"Uhhhhh can I come with you eonnie?" Yuna asked.

"What? No, of course not. You still have to finish your high-school and there is no one to take care of you." Ryujin tried to explain it to Yuna.

"But eonnie you are there. I'll finish my studies there. I'll transfer all my credits. Please eonnie. I'll just stay with you."

"But Yuna where will you study? And what about eomma, appa? "

"I'll talk to them eonnie. And as for my school......I have one in mind. It will help me to reach my dreams."

"Which one?"

Just then the call to board the plan was announced. They then got up and moved towards their gate and boarded the flight.

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