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"Who is she?" Yeji asked.

"What? Who?" Ryujin said while putting on her seat belt.

"The girl you just hugged."

"Ahhhh her. She is my best friend. We used to be friends. Don't you remember her from our time in the university? She is Yoo Jimin."

"Ah that girl you always hung around with."

"Yes her."

"Ahh. What is she up to now?"

"She is a trainee right now. She may debut soon."

"Ah really. That's cool. Even my friend is a trainee."

"Jinjja? Which entertainment."

"SM. Yours?"

"Same." Ryujin said. Yeji began thinking then realized something.

"Which group will she debut in Ryujinnie?" Yeji asked as they were driving.

"Not sure.....Aespa?"

"Wahhh Daebak!!! Jinjja? My friend too is also debuting in the same group."

"We should call them and meet up with them then."

"Sounds good. I should ask them though. Before their debut I dont think they can go out and after debut they may be busy with their schedule. I gotta confirm."

"That's all right."


"Chaeryoung why are you so out of focus these days? It seems like someone is distracting you. We are losing please focus," Yeji warned Chaeryoung as they were playing just dance in their Nintendo switch.

"Mianhae eonnie. I thought I got a text," Chaeryoung replied.

"From who?" Lia asked while wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

"Heh? Uh. Just- just the managers," Chaeryoung replied.

"The managers rarely text you, they text me," Yeji said.

"Lol. Now spill," Lia.

"Uh it's nothing that interesting. Just Yuna.....and I are seeing eachother."

~ At the same time ~

"What? You and Chaeryoung? Since when Yuna?" Ryujin was asking her Dongsaeng who just confessed about being in a relationship with Chaeryoung.

"Just recently eonnie. From the time of the sleepover we used to text eachother. She then confessed and I accepted."

"I am happy for you Yuna yah. But make sure you know the later consequences of dating an idol. There will be haters."

"Ne eonnie. I know. Don't worry."

"Arraseo. I qm happy for you. Guess you finally grew up."

"Yah eonnie. I am a grown women. I am taller then you." With that Ryujin gave Yuna a death glare.


"So you guys knew ChaerYuna are dating?" Ryujin asked.

"Not really. We just found out." Yeji replied.


They were now having another sleep over. They were currently watching Yuna and Chaeryoung play Mario Kart on the Nintendo Switch. They were all happy for the two.

"I just hope the media takes it well."

"They will Jinnie. Don't worry," Yeji said and held Ryujin's hand.

"Bye I m off. You two enjoy doing couple-y stuff." Lia said and ran off.

".... what?" Ryujin said.

"Don't mind her." Yeji replied.

"Uh then shall we go to the bedroom? You know......to do some couple-y stuff."

Yeji slapped Ryujin's arm. "Yah Shin.......fine let's go." They both ran to their room but forgetting to lock the door.

After 10 minutes the door suddenly opened and in came Yuna, Chaeryoung and Lia with shocked faces.

Destined vol. 2 || RYEJIWhere stories live. Discover now