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"Woah finally......damn it was such a tiring flight. My back hurts." Yuna said stretching as they got off their flight.

"That's only because you are a tall gaint." Ryujin said.

"Yea. Sometimes I wish I was a short drawf like you.......ohhhhh burnnnnnn." Yuna began laughing while Ryujin just ignored her.

They then collected their luggage and went to the hotel they booked. When they reached their hotel they checked into their rooms and rested for a while as they were all tired after their long flight. 😴

~ Time skip ~

The family decided to go visit their grandparents. Ryujin's parents were from Korea but had moved to Canada after Ryujin and Yuna were born. They had to move because their dad got a huge promotion overseas as well as for the better future for the two. Now that they were back they wanted to go visit everywhere.

"Appa how far is it from here?" Yuna asked. They were all going in a SUV that they rented.

"It's in Jeonju. Around 2 hours plus. We also need to stop to get food on the way." Their dad said.

Yuna could only sigh. She looked over at Ryujin who had her earbuds on and watching the view outside. She decided to listen to her music as well and sleep.

~ Time skip ~

They finally reached their grandparents house and met up with everyone. Ryujin and Yuna decided to go and visit a mall in Jeonju which was close by so their parent wouldn't worry.

They were finally in the mall and looking around.

"Ryuddaeng eonnie!" Yuna called out.

"Yes Shinayu."

"Why do we have to wear this mask?"

"I don't know 🤷🏻‍♀️. For safety purposes." Ryujin replied.

"Ok whatever. Let's go eat."

"Didn't we just eat?"

"I know but we walked so I m hungry. I want some of those things." Yuna said pointing at the food stall.

"Ok let's go." They both walked to the food stall and ordered some for both of them. While they were waiting for their food someone tapped Ryujin on the shoulder. When she turned around she saw a gorgeous girl with cat eyes standing in front of her. The girl just hugged her and Ryujin was too stunned to talk.

"OH my God. It's been such a long time since I saw you. Finally you are here. I miss you." The girl said while hugging Ryujin. After that she broke the hug and unexpectedly pulled Ryujin's mask slightly down and kissed her cheeks.

"Omg remember we used to do that every time we met? Did you forget already? I am hurt." Just when Ryujin was about to talk three people came towards them.

"Yah Yeji why are you here?" One of the girl said.

"What do you mean? I came here to meet Minjeong." The girl with cat eyes replied.

"Yea and I am here." Minjeong replied.

"What?! You said foodstall wearing a mask." Yeji replied.

"I said BACK of the food stall." Minjeong said.


"Did you do anything stupid." Lia asked.

"I may or may not have thought you were her and kissed her." Yeji said pointing at Ryujin.

"You WHAT?!" All three of the girl shouted. They then began apologizing on behalf of Yeji and dragged her out of the scene. Though Yeji was being dragged she still managed to look back at Ryujin and mouthed a sorry.

"Your food is ready." The lady said. They knocked and began to eat.

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