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They were now in the rooftop. There was a moment of silence when Ryujin looked at the sky thinking how to say it while Yeji looked at Ryujin admiring her side profile. After a few minutes Ryujin finally broke the silence.

"You didn't do anything Yeji. It's just me. I am sorry for avoiding you."

"What's the reason behind it?"

"I don't know. It's just me getting my hopes high and expecting too much when I should have known you don't feel that way."

"What do you mean?"

"I just thought that maybe we could be more than friends. You know I did like you since a long time back. I just didn't have the courage to say it. But I guess you didn't see me that way. Oh well congrats on your new relationship Yeji. I'll leave now." Ryujin was about to leave but Yeji held her wrist and stopped her.

"Wae?" Ryujin asked.

"Just want to clarify some stuff."


"First of all, I am not dating Yeonjun. This was just a rumor. I just met him cause he was friends with my cousin and to tell you the truth he is already in a relationship with someone else. So not I ain't dating Yeonjun."

"Wait really?"

"Of course and the second thing is I would love to be more than friends. I actually did like you from the time we spent near your university. But I was on the way to become an idol. I wanted to confess so many times but I was just afraid of your reaction. When I finally gathered enough courage to confess, that's when we had to move to another dorm as we were now debuting."

"For real?"

"Yea. I like you Ryujinnie. I really do."

"I like you too Hwang Yeji. So much so that I would like to ask you to be my girlfriend."


"Yes, Yeddeong. Will you be my girlfriend? I might not be the perfect one like in k-dramas but I will be the best for you."

"You being with me is already enough Ryuddaeng and yes I would love to be your girlfriend." They both then hugged and stayed like that for a few minutes until they decided to part ways. Yeji had to back to her practice while Ryujin went to her office.

Yeji told the rest of the ITZY members while Ryujin told Yuna and Chaeyoung though she didn't tell Yuna who it was as she wanted to surprise her. They were all happy for them. Ryujin and Yeji had their best time together. They were enjoying every bit of the moments they spent together. Then one day they decided to have a sleepover. They couldn't have a sleepover at ITZY's place because dispatch...... but they decided to go over at Ryujin's place. 

"Heyyyy You guys are here finally. Come in." Ryujin said inviting all the girls in.

"Ah ok." They all went in and were sitting while talking. Ryujin went to her room to take a call from her parents when the bell rang.

Chaeryoung decided to go and open the door since it rang and Ryujin was in her room. When she opened the door there was a girl stood in front.Both of them were shocked to see each other.

"Omo Chaeryoung eonnie. I am sorry. I got the wrong house," said the girl and bowed down before closing the door. Chaeryoung was too shocked to react. What she saw was a goddess in front of her. But after few seconds there was a knock at the door again and she opened it. 

"I am sorry but this is my house." Yuna said while scratching her head.

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