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After the talk they left to give Twice some space. Lia and Chaeryoung went out to get something to eat while Yeji and Ryujin were just walking and talking.

"So you finally became a surgeon huh. Nice." Yeji said.

"Ye finally. But its not only me who achieved their dream. You did to." 

"Ye. We should celebrate."

"I know right."

"Ya......so what are you up to?"

"Nothing much. Just cutting people up hahaha." Ryujin said.

"Lol. Weirdo."

"What are you up to then?"

"Just wooing people."

"Can't deny."

"Anyways I think I gotta go. Bye Ryujinnie."


When they were both gonna seperate they both spoke at the same time.


"Oh ah I just wanted to ask if I could have your number."

"Oh me too haha. Great minds think alike afterall." After that they exchanged numbers and then they headed their own way.

Few months had gone by. Ryujin and Yeji had gone close. They were texting everyday. They would meet when ITZY came to visit Sana in the hospital.

Then when Sana was discharged they didn't have time to meet each other but they did text until one day. There was news all over SNS about Hwang Yeji dating Choi Yeonjun. Ryujin didn't know what to feel. Whether to be happy for Yeji or whether to be sad. But one things for sure she felt jealous.  She couldn't handle the news as it hurt her so she decided to do the one thing that could lessen the pain....... ignore her.

Yeji tried to contact her but Ryunin never replied to her text nor picked up her call. Yeji then went to the hospital to meet her as she could no longer take it.

When there she saw Ryujin doing her rounds. She tried to approach her but the latter just ran away. She kept running around the hospital chasing Ryujin while the latter kept running away. Soon Ryujin managed to out run the other......well that's why she thought but Yeji happened to come in front of her blocking her path.

"Oh Yeji! Hi' what a great surprise. I didn't know you would be her. Hehe." Ryujin said while scratching her nape. Yeji looked at her in disbelief.

"Ryujinnie, what do you mean you are surprised? You have been running away from me for the whole time."

"Whattttt? Noooooo. I wouldn't do such thing. Where did you get that idea from? Pfttt."

"Don't lie. I have been chasing you for 20 minutes. Is there something wrong? Did I do something?"

"No absolutely not..... that Yeonjun guy did." Ryujin whispered the last part.

"Huh? You said something?"

"Not really. I need to do my rounds. I'll see you later. Byeeee." Ryujin then tried to run away but Yeji held her coat stopping her from going.

"Not so fast Shin. I know your schedule. You have free right now. Now come with me to the rooftop so we can talk."

"Ahhhh is that so? I didn't know I was free. Buttttt I have to go to a meeting. So byeeee." Again Ryujin tried to run away but Yeji stopped her.

"I asked the staff. They said you are free. Stop ignoring me Jinnie, please. Tell me if I did something wrong. It hurts to see you act this way." Ryujin couldn't see Yeji in this state so she spoke.

"It's not your fault. Let's go to the rooftop."

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