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"There is no pulse. Call an ambulance Jeongyeon," Chaeyoung instructed.

"Arraseo," Jeongyeon said and went to call an ambulance.

Both Chaeyoung and Ryujin took off their coat and loosened their ties in order to be able to move freely.

"We need to give him CRP," Ryujin said.

"Yes. Start doing it. I'll check."

"Ok." After that Ryujjn started giving
CPR while Chaeyoung checked the pulse. While this was happening the audience and the whole media were watching. Jeongyeon had called the ambulance but due to some problems, it wasn't coming.

It had been 2 minutes since Ryujin gave CPR. Then they switched. Chaeyoung started giving the CPR now. They have been switching every 2 minutes but still there wasn't any response.

"We need shock...." Ryujin said.

"Where will we get the defibrillators?"

"I got an idea."


"When I say set stop the CRP."

"OK." Chaeyoung was still giving the CPR.

"Hana, dul, set....." Ryujin then hit the guy in his heart with her fist. After the second hit he gasped for air.

"His pulse is back. Recovery position," Chaeyoung said. "Jeong, where is the ambulance."

"On its way. 2 minutes away."

"Ok." They then took care of the patient until the ambulance arrived. He was then taken to the hospital. Ryujin informed the paramedics of what happened and how they resuscitated the man. They bowed and left.

Ryujin, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon were all praised and thanked by JYP and others for their hard work and dedication.....all of this was caught on camera and would soon make it to the news. After that everyone went home.

"Damn Shin, nice work out there." Yeji said.

"Haha thanks. But that's my job."

"But still. It was hot. Lol"


"Why did you punch him though?"

"To shock the heart. Usually in a hospital we have defibrillators but here since there was any we had to do that."

"That's so cool."


"That's was great. I love you haha."

"I love you too Yeddeong." After that Ryujin dropped Yeji home and headed to her home where Yuna was waiting for her.


It was the next day and the news was all over how Ryujin and Chaeyoung along with Jeongyeon had saved the director of a big entertainment company. Soon after they were given the news about the director shifting to Myeong Woo hospital to get treated by them. They were also congratulated when they reached the hospital.


It had been a month after the incident. More and more people were accepting and coming out as a same-sex couple. The three also started to gain popularity over time.

"Baby~ Are you free?" Yeji asked Ryujin.

"Yea almost, just doing my last rounds." Ryujin said.

"Ok I'll be coming there."

"Sure. Wait for me in the car park."

"Okie." After that the call ended. Ryujin carried on with her rounds while Yeji changed and headed towards the hospital.

After Yeji reached the hospital she waited for Ryujin who came after few minutes. But she was not alone. She was with a girl that Yeji had never seen before. Before they parted ways the girl gave Ryujin a hug and left. Ryujin then saw Yeji's car and went to her. When she entered she was faced with a question.

"Who is she?"

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