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Yeji's PoV

"Yeji why do ao always stay here on the balcony during the break?" Lia asked.

"It's just peaceful. Look at all the students. Sometimes I wish I went to University instead of becoming a trainee but again I love this." 

"Watching students in SNU?" Chaeryoung said will coming out of the practice hall.

"Noooo.....just this trainee life."

"That's true." Chaeryoung said.

"Oh look the three bullies strike again." Lia said.

"Gosh when will they ever stop." Yeji said and kept on looking. While just watching there came two people who walked towards the bullies. They watched all the interaction and saw how Ryujin had kissed Heejin which made the latter turn red and leave the scene making the three laugh. 

"Omg did she just kiss her?" Yeji said still laughing.

"That bully finally found her match." They said and continued laughing.

Ryujin's PoV

"Woah, did you just kiss her hahaha....." Jimin said laughing.

"Lol ya. Can't deny the fact that she is beautiful. So yea."

After that they just chilled and went home when it was finally time. After that Ryujin we to Yuna to pick her up and when the two sisters were back they showered and changed. They then started preparing their dinner and talked about how their day went.

Ryujin then told what happened in her uni today and Yuna couldn't stop laughing. Once that both of them ate the di new and watched some drama before sleeping.


IT has been a week since the incident and Heejin and her gang was no where to be seen. But when it was lunch Ryujin and Karina walked towards the field when they spotted the three bullying yet another student so Ryujin decided to approach them. However, when they saw Ryujin coming they immediately stopped and told the girl to go away but Ryujin stopped her.

"Were they bullying you?" She asked.

"Uh kind of." The girl replied facing down.

"It's OK. You can go." After that the girl went away while Ryujin looked at Heejin while smirking.

"So......what did u do?" Ryujin said while stepping towards Heejin. She tried to run but Ryujin pinned her to the wall.

"Leave me you freak!" Heejin said.

"What did I tell u last time babe? Stop bullying or face the consequences. Now face it."

"What consequences?"

"This." Ryujin said pointing at herself. Heejin wanted to ask but before she could Ryujin kissed her which shocked everyone including Yeji, Lia and Chaeryoung who were watching the whole drama from their building just above.

"See Heejin.....that's why you shouldn't bully.....you will face the consequences."

Heejin was speechless while the 2 other just looked and agreed. When Heejin came to her senses she went away with her gang. Before going she looked at Ryujin who was now seated in her bench eating her food. She just smiled and left.

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