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"Omg hahaha she kissed you." Yuna laughed while walking back from the mall.

"For the 100th time Yuna it was a mistake." Ryujin sighed.

"Whatever the reason, you got a kiss from a girl."

"Ya ya whatever. Let's go."

They then walked back to their house. When they entered they found all their family members sitting together, talking in the living room.

"Guys you won't believe what happened!" Yuna shouted. Ryujin hurriedly went to her and put her hand over Yuna's mouth but the latter ran away and continued talking.

"Ryuddaeng eonnie got a kiss." Yuna shouted.

"How dare a boy kiss her." Ryujin's dad said.

"Appa it was a girl." Yuna said.

"OH wooing the girls already huh?" Ryujin's mom said joining in to tease Ryujin.

"She got my charms after all." Ryujin's dad said and everyone started laughing.

"Yahhhh. Why are you all like this. It was a mistake. She thought I was someone else." Ryujin said.

"It's OK Jinnie don't be sad. She will come back to you." Her grandma teased her even more.

"Halmoniiiiii....." everyone laughed as Ryujin whined.

"You all stop teasing my granddaughter," Ryujin's granddad said. "Was she pretty though?" He added.

"Of course she was." Ryujin answerd and then realized what she said. This answer made everyone laugh again. They all enjoyed their time together laughing and talking. It was really enjoyable for both Yuna and Ryujin who met their grandparents after a long time.

The family stayed in Jeonju for a week after that. They went around to see the town and enjoying the scene. After the week passed they bid farewell to their grandparents and headed back to Seoul. While going back Yuna tried to convince their parents to let her come to Seoul with Ryujin.

"Eomma, Appa." Yuna called for their attention.

"Yes Yuna." Her dad said.

"You know how Ryujin eonnie is coming to Seoul to study."

"Ye." Her mom replied.

"Can I come with her too."

"Why?" Her dad asked.

"I can study here too and live with eonnie. It will help me in achieving my dream of becoming an actress. Please Eomma, Appa."

"You should ask Ryujin about it." Her mom said.

"Yea I have no problem with that. We can live together." Ryujin said.

"Ok then you can go. But where will you study." Their mom asked.

"Yea about that. I have been looking at schools here and found one. Hanlim Multi Arts School. Most idols go there.

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