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After the release of the statement Ryeji and ITZY were expecting hate buy seems like most of them supported them. It was like what JYP said. Most people will support them including the LGBTQ+ Community. In fact more people started following them. Even those who didn't listen to kpop heard about LGBT couple in Korea and decided to support them.

Not only this but even Ryujin gained popularity. Not only cause she was dating Yeji but also due to her visual and her being a cardiologist.

Whenever they went on a date people would take pictures and post them shipping them. Though people knew not to invade their privacy.

With the news of the two more couple decided to come out. One of them being MiChaeng. After Michaeng came out people found out that Ryujin and Chaeyoung were cousins and they were both surgeons. Somehow the media also found out about Yuna and Chaeryoung and Yuna being Ryujins sister. Chaeyoung, Ryujin and Yuna were deemed as the family of visuals. Most people adored them.

It had been a while since they came out. They would now openly go on date. Ryujin had also gained popularity by now.


"Baby, we are going to the music event. I want you to go with me," Yeji told Ryujin.

"Sure if that's what you want. When is it though?"

"1 week from now."

"Ah ok. Is it only me that will attend who is non-celeb?"

"No, Chaeyoung eonnie will be there. Mina eonnie said she will drag her ass there haha. I think Jeongyeon eonnie will also be there."

"Ah ok cool."

After a week when it was finally time to go to the event. Ryujin said she will pick Yeji up and go together. Yeji was waiting for her. She then arrived.

Yeji couldn't take her eyes off Ryujin. She looked hot 🔥. She had dyed her hair to midnight blue and was wearing a suit with bowtie. (Mafia in the morning dance outfit)

"Done checking me out, Yeji ssi?" Ryujin asked.

"I will never be done."

"Then we will be late."

"Haha. Anyways you look really good. Handsome, beautiful, hot.....everything lol. And you even changed your hair colour.......it suits you. I love it haha."

"Awww thank you. You look beautiful too. I am afraid everyone will look at you haha. I'll be jealous lol."

"But I'll only look at you haha."

"Haha now let's go. We don't want to be late now, do we?" They then went to Ryujin's car and went to the event.

At the event they met up with rest of the members. They were then seated next to Twice near the stage. During the award there were many performances and awards. Both Itzy and Twice won various awards. The media were taking a lot of pictures.....lol.

Soon the event was coming to and end. JYP was on the stage with few of the directors when suddenly one one them collapsed. Ryujin, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon being doctors ran to the man. The guards tried to stop them but Jeongyeon signaled them to go while she showed the guards their IDs.


It's almost been few years of me officially opening this account?? 🤨🤔🤷🏻‍♀️.

So should I all gift u the ending.....lol

It's also 15th Jan hehe

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