🎀 Chapter 1.🎀

679 16 4

>Your pov<




'Today was the day.' You thought to yourself. Today was the day that you were going to join one of the best blading teams, Rideout. Definitely not because the one and only Lui Shirosagi was on it. That's for sure! It's not like you liked him or anything! When the time came you got up and walked over to Lui. "Tch" was all that he said to you. "My name is-" "I don't care what your name is." Lui interrupted you, "Just by looking at you I can tell you're too weak to join this team." You felt yourself getting upset at his words. "Look, I'm just as strong as all of you. I can prove it." Lui then made his "Tch" again before walking off. You decided to follow him. "Luiiii please, just battle me once and I'll show you." You begged him, causing him to sigh, "Fine, if I battle you, will you leave me alone?" You nodded and followed him over to the battling area. 

"You're going down, Lui." You said with a smirk on your face, causing Lui to laugh. Damn. You loved that mans laugh. "Whatever." 

 "3....2.....1..... LET IT RIP!!" You both yelled out. 




The battle seemed to last a while as you were beginning to get tired. But, you couldn't back down now, especially not against Lui. 'Man, when will he get tired?' You thought to yourself. Then that's when it happened.

You saw B/N burst right in front of your eyes. When you reached down to grab it you saw a familiar pair of hands handing B/N to you. "Here. You were...decent." Lui said slightly smiling. "Never thought I'd get to see THE Lui Shirosagi smile." You teased at him causing him to punch your arm. "Ow.." "That's the only time you'll ever see that." He said with a chilling tone. Then you suddenly remembered why you were here in the first place. "Sooo, Lui, can I join Rideout?" You asked hoping to get the answer you were looking for. I mean, Lui said you were 'decent' and that's better than bad. 

"No." Lui said plainly and started to walk away from you; but you stopped him. "What the hell, Lui?! You said I was decent! That MUST mean that I'm good to you, right?!" You felt yourself tense up as your anger arose. The nerve of this man. "Yea I did. Decent means decent. Now please leave-" "No! Lui pleaseeee!" You started to beg; since that seemed to work last time. "Ughh! Why are you so annoying?" Lui sighed and started to think. "Hmm.. How about being my assistant?" He asked slightly smirking. You looked at him and just stared for a bit, "Whaat? I said I wanted to be on your team not be your assistant!" You glared at him, which only caused him to laugh. 'Damn, even if I hate him that laugh is still hot.' You thought to yourself; trying to calm yourself down. "Fine. Then you can leave." Lui once again began to walk away.

You started to panic; because obviously you wanted to be on his team but.. an offer like this.. "Lui! Wait!" You ran after him, but then your clumsy ass had to trip causing you to tumble on to him. "Oi! Watch where you're going!" Lui growled at you but you just stared into his violet eyes. "I'll be your assistant, Lui." You said getting off of him and offering to helping him up, which he declined. "Good. Meet me in the training room in five minuets." He said before turning away again.

There you were all alone; thinking about the decision you just made.

 "What did I just get myself into.."


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