🎀 Chapter 6.🎀

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>Timeskip to another week later

>Your pov<

You were at Lui's house because he told you that you'd be staying with him from now on. Though, you could still have your old home; you'd just be staying with Lui. Lui couldn't trust you around anyone else. He always had control of this "relationship" you guys had. You honestly couldn't call it that but you didn't wanna upset him by calling it something else. Lui never really showed you affection. Which is what confused you the most. Because, he said that he loves you very much. 'At a very crazy level', you thought. Buuut he never showed any affection. Sure, he'd kiss you forcefully sometimes but that was it. Lui just never really hugged you or just kissed you normally. Which honestly would make this situation much more enjoyable if he would. You're feelings for Lui were VERY complicated. You felt like you loved him but you were also very afraid of him.

Like you've thought about running away so many times but deep down you knew that he'd catch you. You wanted to see your friends, Valt and Shu so badly. 




"Hey!" A voice yelled, causing you snap out of your thoughts. "H-huh?.." Lui only scoffed and said, "I said that I was going out. Don't try to leave. You know what will happen." You did know. You knew very well what would happen; you shivered at the thought. Lui kissed you with more passion rather than force this time. It almost felt... nice?.. You kissed him back and felt him slide his tongue inside your mouth. "Mmm.. Lui.." You moaned out; which was like music to his ears. "What?" He asked while looking into your eyes with a rather different look than he normally gave you. "Why?.." You asked, receiving a confused look from Lui. "Why are you being nice to me?.." You could almost feel tears fall and you felt Lui embrace you. "Don't worry about it. I'll see you later." Lui said walking out the door. You sat there for a good second thinking, "What just happened?" You also contemplated your feelings for Lui.

 You sat there for a good second thinking, "What just happened?" You also contemplated your feelings for Lui

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>Timeskip to a few years later

>Still your pov<

"Come on, hurry up! We're gonna be late!" You heard Lui yell at you

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"Come on, hurry up! We're gonna be late!" You heard Lui yell at you. You sighed and shook your head. Did you wanna go? No. No you did not. 

Lui was making you go and watch him battle this guy named, Aiger. It was a pretty big deal to him so that's why he made you go. Now, Lui didn't really force you to come and watch him but you knew that it'd be better if you did. Maybe you could battle this guy too. 

Since Lui would be gone most of the days; you decided to train yourself to get stronger. Sometimes Lui would come home and find you training. He would always watch you secretly and he would always smile to himself. He'd never let you see so that's why he always just watched without you knowing. So therefor you felt like you could battle this guy too.



You just followed Lui around like normal when you didn't really know where you were going. "Stay here and I'll be back soon." Lui said before walking off; not really giving you anytime to respond. "Ah.. okay.." You sighed and walked over to a bench and sat down. "What to do when your so called boyfriend leaves you all alone, again." 

"Y/N? Is that you?!" You heard a familiar voice say; you looked up to see Valt. He looked a bit older but still just as cute. "VALT!" You yelled, running over to hug him tightly. "I missed you so much.." He said quietly in your ear, "I know I've missed you too. Look I can't explain where I've been-"  "I know where you've been. You've been with Lui. Shu saw you guys once and decided to see what was going on. That's when he found out that Lui had made you stay with him. But as long as you're okay, I'm okay." Valt smiled his sweet smile that you loved a lot. "Yea.. It's different but I'm fine."

"Excuse me." You turned around and saw Lui giving you and Valt a disappointing look. "Well I better go. See you guys soon!" Valt said while running off. "Lui, we were just talking I swear-"  "Yea yea. It doesn't matter. Let's just go already." Lui grabbed you hand very tightly and basically dragged you along with him.

" Lui grabbed you hand very tightly and basically dragged you along with him

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