🎀 Chapter 5.🎀

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>Your pov<

Seeing Lui standing there before me made me feel many things. "L-Lui? What are you doing here?!" You asked quite uncomfortably and he just made his way closer to you. "Because.. I.." Lui's voice trailed off as he looked away from you, which made you wonder, did he like you? "Ah! Uh, Lui could you step out or like turn around?" You said, remembering that you were still in a towel. "Tch..fine." Lui said while turning around. 



"Alright! Okay so first of all.. How did you get into my house?!" You asked him. Lui didn't respond and instead just walked over to you and kissed you forcefully. You were a bit hesitant but then kissed back; then kiss got more forceful as Lui pushed you against the wall. You guys finally broke apart for air. "W-what.. was that for?.." You asked still grasping for air. "I like you." He said quietly, "What was that?" You asked teasingly. "I LIKE YOU GODDAMNIT!" Lui yelled at you while turning back around.

"Lui.. I.." You honestly couldn't form any words. Lui, the man that had been so mean to you, actually liked you. You weren't really sure what to say at this point. "Well?" He asked growing impatient. "Lui.. I.. You.." Lui sighed and grabbed you forcefully, backing you against the wall. "You know? I wasn't even really going to give you a choice anyway! You're mine! Haha!" Lui laughed but this time you felt different than the last time he laughed. "No." You said, causing Lui to stop laughing and look at you. 

"Yes, you are! Nobody else can have you except me!

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"Yes, you are! Nobody else can have you except me!.." Lui said while nibbling on your neck a little. "But.. why?." You asked, hoping he wouldn't yell anymore. "I..It's because.. It doesn't matter! You're mine and mine only. No more talking to Shu and Valt. They don't deserve you." Lui said, making you remember that text you had gotten awhile back. "So it was you."  "What-"   "You sent that message to me! Telling me to stay away from Valt and Shu. How did you get my number?! Better yet how did you know where I lived?!" You asked with tears starting to fall from your eyes. Lui didn't respond; in fact he just stood there, as if he wasn't listening to a word you had said.

"Lui-" Lui interrupted you and began to kiss you forcefully again. You guys broke apart after a minuet. "You're mine. Don't forget it." Lui said before he left you all alone.


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