🎀Chapter 16.🎀

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>Your pov<

"Okayyy, open your eyes!" You said in a excited tone. Lui slowly opened his eyes and saw his favorite restaurant before him. "Y/N.. You can't be serious.." Lui was shocked that you would actually treat him to dinner - at his favorite restaurant at that. You smiled brightly at Lui, he gave you a small smile in return. 

You both walked in; the delicious foods' scent filling the air. You never had eaten here so you didn't really know what all they had to offer. Since you knew Lui loved it, it must be really good. It was hard to please him sometimes. "What can I get for you two tonight?" The waiter asked in a polite tone. You had noticed that they had F/F on the menu. So of course you had to order it, Lui ordered something that you assumed was his favorite food or just what he usually gets here. "I will be right back with your food in a moment." The waiter said before walking off. 

"Y/N.. You know you didn't have to do this, right?" Lui said staring you dead in the eyes. You knew he was enjoying himself but he just didn't wanna say. "Lui, of course I do. You deserve it - actually you deserve more but I'll get back to you on that.~" You gave Lui a sly wink to which he blushed in response. You wanted to give Lui the world because that's how much he meant to you. 

Just then the waiter came back with both of your foods on separate plates. "Here you go." The waiter gave a small smile to the both of you before walking towards another table to check on the others. Lui and you had started eating your foods. The very first bite had you hooked. It tasted like heaven. Now you understood why Lui had liked this place so much. You glanced over to Lui who was enjoying his meal. He finally took notice that you were staring at him, "Yes?" Normally Lui would ask in an annoyed tone but right now, he seemed really happy. "I love you, Lui." 

You felt your heart beating faster within the minute. Lui smirked, "I love you too. Now finish eating so we can leave." You looked back over to Lui's plate that was now entirely empty. You wondered how he managed to eat it so quickly. You started to eat until you got full.

"Will that be all for you guys?" The waiter walked back over to your table, "Yes, please." You said before handing them the money. After that you and Lui locked hands and walked out of the restaurant feeling full and happy. "Let's go to the beach right across from here." You suggested and Lui looked at you in a funny way. "Y/N, it's nighttime."  "I meant to just walk across the sand, silly." You guided him towards the shore.

The beach looked really pretty at this time. Both you and Lui had taken in the beautiful view. That's when you noticed Lui looking around nervously. It's like he had something on his mind. "Hey, you okay?" You ask calmly; Lui nods in response. "Hmm.. This could more fun with some tunes." You said taking out the small speaker out of your bag. "Do you have to take that thing everywhere?" Lui asked you and you nodded.

"Of course, you never know when you might need some music to lighten the mood." You sat the speaker on a nearby table and started to play the song, "Taking You There" by BROODS. It was a song that seemed right to play at this moment. You sat down on the sand and sighed. "What's wrong?" Lui asked as he sat down right beside you. "Lui, I know there's something you need to say. I want you to tell me." Lui looked down for a moment. How could he have made it so obvious? 

"Fine.. Y/N..." Lui paused for a moment so he could gather his thoughts together. "I'm going to be going away for awhile. After the battle, I was offered to train and battle some people from another country. It's going to be huge." You faked a smile; because you knew that you weren't able to go with him. Though, you didn't wanna stop Lui. This seemed like a great opportunity for him. "Lui, that's amazing!" You felt like you were going to cry but the tears both happy and sad ones. 

The song finally ended and you got up and turned off the speaker. You shoved it into your bag; trying to hold back your tears. "Are you okay?" Lui asked staring into your E/C eyes. "Yes, I'm fine, Lui. I'm just tired. I really wanna go home." You started walking off towards the direction of where you guys were staying. Lui knew deep down that something was wrong. 

He wanted to figure out what it was.

He just wanted you to be happy.


(So the next few chapters will take place during the Rise timeline. ONLY because it will be crucial later on. Lui will not be in the next few chapters because he's not in Rise. If he does so happen to make an appearance it will be in his pov where he's at. The reader will get more time with Aiger and Valt. After the next chapters we will go into the Surge timeline. Then Lui will be back but drama starts to happen as well. I think this book will probably go to be about 30 chapters. It honestly depends on how long the chapters are. So yea, this is just a small announcement for the next few chapters. See you guys soon. :) )

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