🎀 Chapter 2.🎀

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>Your pov<

You sat down exhausted from all of the work Lui had been giving you. 'I've been his assistant for only a week! I'm already tired of it.' You thought to yourself and sighing from thinking about all of the stuff he makes you do. "What are you doing? Get up and stop being lazy!" You jolted up and saw Lui glaring at you with his cold violet eyes. "But Luiii I'm so tired! You never let me have a break!" You whined, while he scoffed, "You don't need a break." Was all he said before taking your hand and dragging you with him. "Luiii" You whined again, earning a "Tch." From him. 





It became that time of day where you would watch him train nonstop and hand him things if needed. But the thing is, you didn't have a choice, he made you watch him. Like this one time during the week you asked him if you could leave and hang out with your two other great friends, Valt and Shu. Let's just say that's something you will never ask again. He yelled at you, insulted you, and told you that you didn't need them. It really hurt; so lesson learned. So now here you were just watching the blue-fire haired male train. I mean, at least this was like a break. Lui didn't really ask for much when he was training. 


"Snap out of it." You shake your head as you looked up at Lui who again was glaring at you. "W-what?" You stuttered, "I asked you to hand me my water." "O-oh uhh here you go, Lui" You said handing it to him, which he chugged it within seconds, and then threw the bottle at you. "Ow.. What was that for?..." You asked rubbing the spot it had hit you. "Tch, pay attention next time." He said before returning to his training. 

You decided that you had enough and just wanted to go home. You looked over at Lui, who was to focused on training to notice you. So you quietly got up and headed to the door. "Where are you going?" You quickly stop in your tracks, 'how the hell did he notice me?!" You wondered, "Answer me." He said and before you knew it Lui was really close to you. You felt your face heat up. "I..." You couldn't find words when the pressure got to you. That's when he backed you up against the wall. You had no where to go. "Lui..." Was all you managed to say as you stared into his eyes. "I just wanna go home.." You said before he backed away from you. "Fine. Leave. I don't care." He said before walking away from you; you just stood there, shocked. It almost seemed like he didn't want you to leave. 'Weird' You thought and began to walk home.

>Lui's pov<

"Fine. Leave. I don't care." I said walking away from them. Though, little did they know that I was still looking at them. Why does it..kinda hurt me that they're leaving?.. What was this strange feeling?.. No. Don't worry about it or them. Remember they left you. I sighed and returned back to my training. 

'Tomorrow they're gonna get it.'


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