🎀Chapter 15.🎀

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>Your pov<

You and Aiger made your way towards the battling stadium. You stopped Aiger before he went through the doors. "Hey, good luck out there." You pull Aiger into a sweet hug before letting him go again. He blushes from the interaction, "I promise, Y/N, I'll it give my all!" You giggled at Aiger's determination. Aiger looks back at you one last time before walking through the doors.



You began walking to where the crowd was to find your seat. "Ugh.. I'll probably never find it.." You were so focus on finding your seat number you accidentally bump into a certain someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry!"  "Hey no worries.." You quickly recognize their voice, "Valt! What a confidence I'd bump into you." Valt giggles softly, "Yea, I'm just looking for my seat. I know it's somewhere in the front row.. Hey, are you looking for your seat too?" Valt asked, you nodded and handed him the ticket with your number on it. Valt's face lit up, "Hey! Your seat is right next to mine!" Valt's smile made you smile. You were honestly starting to think that his smile was contagious.

"Shall we go?" Valt extended his hand out to you, which kind of made you blush a little

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"Shall we go?" Valt extended his hand out to you, which kind of made you blush a little. "Of course." You and Valt locked arms and began walking towards your seats. They really were in the first row. You could see Aiger and Lui very clearly on stage. They were getting ready; so thankfully you guys hadn't missed anything. "So, who do you think is going to win?" Valt asked curiously; which made you smirk. "Obviously Lui. I mean- I'm not saying that because he's my boyfriend and all... I just know!" Your face had turned a dark red and Valt laughed. "You're adorable Y/N but personally my bets are on Aiger." You giggled, "Woooow you're really going against me, huh?" Valt shook his head, "No, that's just my prediction."  "I guess we will see." You said as the battle began.

Valt looked over at you and put his slightly sweaty hand on yours. You looked at him and smiled. You didn't really see the harm in it. Valt was just your friend. You held Valt's hand tighter at the battle began to start. Valt blushed and smiled at you.

 Valt blushed and smiled at you

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>Lui's pov<

"You're going down." I smirked, Aiger laughed, "Yea right! I'm gonna show you how strong Achilles and I are!" Aiger smirked proudly; holding his bey towards me. 

"Tch, entertain me

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"Tch, entertain me.", I said calmly.

With that the battle began.








>Timeskip to the end of the battle

>Third pov<

Suddenly the sound of a bey bursting could be heard. The crowd was in shock; including Y/N and Valt. "Lui Shirosagi has just bursted Aiger Akabane's bey!" The voice on the intercom shouted out. The crowd began to cheer loudly. Aiger looked down at his bey. He wasn't sure how to feel; as he remembered what Y/N had said before. 'That he was still a champion to them even if he had lost.' Aiger smiled at that thought. Sure, he didn't like that he lost but he knew that this meant he had to get stronger. 


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"Ahem.." Aiger looked up at Lui. "Here. You actually did pretty good by the way." Aiger looked at Lui in a confused manner, "R-really?", Lui sighed, "Don't make me repeat myself." Aiger smiled as Lui dropped his bey into his hand. Lui began walking away from Aiger but paused for a bit, "Heh, maybe one day you'll beat me. Who knows." Lui did his iconic laughter on his way out.



Y/N rushed towards Lui and hugged him tightly, "You did amazing, Lui!" Lui smirked, "Of course, I am the best after all." Y/N giggled; then Aiger and Valt came walking over towards them. "Aiger! That was so cool! The way your hair changes is awesome! You did amazing!" Y/N gave Aiger a bear hug, causing him to blush madly. "T-thanks Y/N!" 

"Ahem.." Lui coughs awkwardly to break them apart. "Sorry." Y/N said as Lui put his arm around them. "We should all go out to dinner to celebrate." Y/N Suggested, Aiger and Valt had nodded in response, while Lui on the other hand wasn't really sure about it. "Come on Luiii. It'll be fun!" Lui sighed, "Y/N, I kind of have to tell you something that's private.. It would be better if we had our own celebration."  "It's okay, we get it Lui. We'll leave you guys alone." Valt said and motioned for Aiger to follow him, " We can have our own celebration Aiger! Let's go!" Aiger smiled and followed behind Valt.

>Your pov<

"Okay. I'm gonna surprise you now, okay?" Lui groaned, "Ugh.. Y/N. You know I hate surprises." You giggled, "I know." Lui shook his head; he didn't know what he was gonna do with you. "Close your eyes and I'll guide you."  "This is stupid, Y/N-"  "Do you want dinner or not?" Lui sighed in defeat and closed his eyes. He felt your warm hand touching his. Lui's heart began to beat faster.

 Lui's heart began to beat faster

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(Sorry I didn't actually make a battle scene.)

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