🎀Chapter 12.🎀

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>Your pov<

You tried to let go of Aiger but he wouldn't let go

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You tried to let go of Aiger but he wouldn't let go. "Aiger?" You asked, "No. I don't want you to go. I want you to stay with me..", Aiger mumbled softly. "But I need to get home so Lui won't get mad.." Aiger's figure tensed up, "Why does it matter if Lui gets mad? You should be able to go and hang out with friends. Even though I wish we were more than friends..." Aiger said, mumbling the last part so you wouldn't hear it. "Aiger...I haven't actually told Lui we knew each other.."  "W-why not?.." You sighed, "Because, he doesn't like when I'm with anyone else. Annnnd if they're his rival.." Aiger held you close, "You need to tell him. If he finds out you're lying to him.. that's even worse than him just knowing." You knew that Aiger was right.

You needed to tell Lui. Even if he got mad; he'd get over it, right?.. "How about.. We have a sleepover after I tell Lui.." Aiger smiled, "I would love that." You gave Aiger one last hug before running off. 




You quickly closed the door and turned around, only to find Lui standing there waiting for you once again. "Hi Lui.." You said shyly, "Tell me." He said in a tone that you never really heard from him before. "W-what do you-"  "Don't pretend you don't know." You shook your head, "No, Lui, I really don't know. What's going on?" Lui stayed silent, so you pretty much knew what was up. "How about I ask you that, Y/N? Why did you lie to me?!" You could feel Lui's angry aura. You messed up.

"Look Lui, I wanted to tell you

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"Look Lui, I wanted to tell you.. I just didn't know how. You.. I.. I'm sorry.." Lui glared at you, "You wonder why I don't trust you.." You didn't know what to say next, you felt like anything you could say at this point could kill you. "Y/N.. You don't love him, do you?.." Lui had calmed down a bit but he still was angry. "Of course I don't! I love you, Lui! Sometimes I just need someone else to hang out with.." Lui tensed up once more; that probably wasn't the right thing to say..

"You only need me! Why don't you understand?!" Lui pushed you against the wall. "I can't stand seeing you with anyone else.. I don't care if you're only friends with them.. Nobody deserves you, except me." You were taken back by what Lui had said. "Lui.. I understand but its not fair that I can't have anyone else in my life! You can't control who I hang out with! And you definitely can't control my life!" You pushed Lui off of you but Lui grabbed you again. "Let go of me-" Lui kissed you roughly. You wanted to kiss back; but it didn't feel right.

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