🎀Chapter 14.🎀

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>Lui's pov

>Tomorrow ;)

I opened my eyes to see Y/N sleeping peacefully on top of me. They looked so beautiful when they were asleep. I could stare at them all day- I mean- Ugh, I shouldn't hold back my feelings anymore. I love Y/N L/N. Nothing will ever change my mind. I slipped off of the couch quietly so I wouldn't wake up Y/N. They need some rest after everything that has happened to them. Aiger will pay for what he's done to them. I'll make sure to go even harder on him during our battle. 

No one hurts Y/N and gets away with it. I clenched my fists in anger; I wanted to blame Y/N for leaving, but it was my fault for letting them go. It doesn't matter anymore though; it's in the past now. I calmed myself down so I wouldn't wake Y/N up. I smiled thinking to myself that tomorrow would be the day. Not only would I get revenge but also, justice for Y/N. They deserve better, actually, they deserve the world. I hope that didn't sound too sweet...

Tch, whatever.



>Y/N pov

You slowly opened your eyes and noticed that Lui had already gotten up. You got up yourself and walked into the kitchen, only to find Lui already in there. As usual he was already dressed and ready for the day. You always felt like a slacker compared to him, "Morning.", Lui said as he kissed your head. "Oh, good morning." You blushed a bit from the sweet interaction. "So tomorrow's the day, huh?" You asked shyly, "Yea, Aiger's going down." Lui said confidently which caused you to smile. You always loved Lui's confidence; it was just something that really made you fall for him. 

There was a small part of you that felt bad for Aiger. I mean, you still really liked him. You also knew that something was wrong with him. When you spent the night with him; you knew something was off. He just wasn't himself; it was almost like he was possessed by something?.. You thought it was kinda silly but maybe it was true. "Uhm.. Earth to Y/N?." Lui waved his hands in your face. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and turned to him. "Oh.. sorry.. I was just thinking.. Did you say something?" Lui grew annoyed like usual when you spaced out, "I said, are you hungry?"

"Oh, a little, yea." You slowly nodded your head while Lui shook his. "Dummy.." He mumbled to himself, while you continued to think again.




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"Here." Lui said while handing you your food. "Thanks, Lui." You smiled at him, "I think that the chef should get something in return." Lui smirked and you blushed, "O-oh, okay.." You got up and kissed Lui passionately, which he enjoyed every minute of it. "Happy?" You asked and Lui nodded, "I'm going to train for awhile. I promise it won't be the entire day, okay?" You nodded and started eating. Lui kissed your cheek before walking out the room.

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