🎀Chapter 10.🎀

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>Your pov<

(All the art used doesn't belong to me!)

(Trying my hardest to make it for everyone. So again sorry if it seems wonky!)

You felt Lui's fingers slide into your undergarments. His slightly cold fingers; playing with your privates. This is how Lui would always start out with you, but he never goes all the way, you knew that tonight was different. Lui started to pump his fingers in and out of you. "Ahh.. Lui", you moaned out. Even the way he was doing it was different, it was still rough, but gentle. Lui didn't wanna hurt; especially not when its your first time. "Lui, I'm gonna-" You said as you came on his fingers. He licked them clean, "You're so sweet. I can't believe I've been missing out on this.~" Lui undressed you completely and you covered yourself. "No. You're beautiful. Let me see all of you." Lui's voice was sincere; so you could tell that he meant it.

"O-okay.." You uncovered yourself and Lui stared at your body for a good minuet before kissing you roughly again. Lui went down to your neck and left his mark on you. "You're all mine. Nobody else can have you.~"  "Of course I'm yours, Lui.~" You said in between moans. You began to undress Lui as you guys were making out, which he helped you a bit. You stared at his chest in awe, you knew Lui was buff, but damn. "You like what you see?~" Lui asked seductively, you nodded in response. Running your hands up and down his chest; it turned him on even more. "Ugh.. Y/N. Stop teasing me.~" Lui went down to your private area and teased you instead. "Lui~"  "Payback." Was all he said as he started to lick/suck your privates.

"Lui!~" You moaned out; he loved when you said his name. He went faster and faster by the second. You couldn't hold back anymore and you came on his face. "So sweet. Now its my turn.~" Lui said smirking at you, you got closer to the tip of his member and teased him again. "Y/N!~" Lui moaned out, and you started to take in more of him. You eventually took in his full length, choking a bit here and there, but you kept going. You wanted to show Lui how much you loved him and you wanted him to feel good as well.  "Y/N! I-" You suddenly felt something warm and sticky in your mouth, "Swallow all of it.~" He commanded you; and you obeyed. You swallowed all of it. "Good girl/boy.~", Lui patted your head.

"I promise this will only hurt for a bit okay?" Lui said positing himself. You closed your eyes and waited for him, "Hey, look at me." You did as you were told and looked at Lui's purple orbs. "I love you." He kissed your forehead and you blushed a deep red. Now you were the tomato face. "Ready?" You nodded and with that you felt Lui insert himself into you. "Gah! Lui!~" You yelled out, Lui waited until you were ready. "You can move now." You said slightly wincing from the pain. Lui pumped himself in and out of you at a very fast but gentle pace. The pain soon faded and was replaced with pure pleasure.

"Faster, Lui!~" You moaned out; to which he responded with, "Beg."  "Luiii please go faster!~" He smirked and did as you asked. He went in and out of you at a demon-like pace. You were close; so was Lui. "Lui please cum inside me.~" You said, getting closer and closer to your climax. "I'm gonna-" You both said in unison. Lui came inside you, like you asked and then pulled out. You both were panting heavily. Lui laid right beside you and cuddled you. 

"I never thought I could ever love someone this much.." Your E/C eyes met Lui's purple ones. "Lui.." You leaned in and kissed him, he kissed back. You climbed on top of Lui and laid on his chest. Soon after; you fell into a deep slumber. Lui smiled at your sleeping figure and started to doze off himself.

 Lui smiled at your sleeping figure and started to doze off himself

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