🎀Chapter 11.🎀

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>Third pov<

>The next morning

>3 days until the big battle

>F/F = favorite food

(Song used in this chapter: You're the bomb by Coalition)

Please listen to it's amazing and so you'll know why I picked it.


Lui's eyes fluttered open softly. Y/N was still sleeping peacefully on top of him. Lui smiled and kissed the top of her/his head. He carefully rolled her/him over, so they wouldn't wake up. Lui got up from the bed and got dressed in his normal attire and went down stairs. He was planning to do something special for Y/N. Something that says, "I love you", but not in a mushy way. Just because he loved them doesn't mean that he's gonna be mushy and soft. No, just something nice and simple.




Lui got out all of the ingredients for his 'surprise' and well.. he tried his best. "Ugh! This is stupid. So-"  "Whatcha doin?" Y/N asked sleepily, "Nothing! Just go back to the bedroom." Y/N shook their head, "Is that for me? Lui, that's so swe-"  "No! I-it's nothing! I-" Y/n cut Lui off with a kiss. "Can I try some?"  "It's not finished. It would be if you didn't interrupt.." Y/N giggled and kissed Lui's cheek before leaving-well not entirely. "Okay.. So now..we.." Y/N stuck their head around the corner, "Actually you're supposed to-"  "Y/N, I can do this on my own." Y/N knew that Lui didn't have much experience in cooking. I mean he's a professional blader; not a chef.

"I think that you need a little of help. I mean, sometimes we all need a little help.." Y/N put their hand on Lui's cheek, staring into his purple orbs. "F-fine. Though, I wanted it to be a surprise.." Lui mumbled the last part. "Lui, I love cooking with you better." Y/N kissed Lui softly and he kissed them back. "Ugh.. why are you so amazing?" Lui's face was a bit pink as he looked away from Y/N. "Lui, look at me." Lui looked Y/N in the eyes. He loved their E/C eyes, the way they shined brightly. It made his heart beat faster and faster. "You may have been mean to me in the past and you still can be at 'some times' but I still love you. I'll always love you." Lui's face was now a very dark shade of pink. This was the first time someone had ever said that to him. "Y/N.."

"Yes?" Lui quickly turned away, "We should focus on the food." Lui went back over to the stove and continued his 'project' that supposed to be a surprise for Y/N. "Okayyyy but this will be more fun with some tunes."  "Y/N no-"  "BE RIGHT BACK!" Y/N rushed back to the bedroom to retrieve their phone. Lui sighed and continued his cooking. Y/N came back with a small speaker and their phone. "Let's see...I know! This one for sure!" Y/N put the speaker and their phone on the table as it began to play the song, "You're the bomb", by Coalition. Y/N began to sing along and dance. Lui blushed even more from this, he tried to hide it buuut..

"Like what you see?" Y/N asked in a playful tone, "N-no! You're acting like an idiot. But.. you're my idiot.." Lui mumbled the last part so Y/N wouldn't hear. Of course they did but they didn't say anything to ruin the moment. So they continued dancing, "Oh oh oh woah oh-oh!" Y/n starting to sing; then they started to laugh. Lui giggled to himself, "I think it's done. You can stop now."  "Aww I was having funnn." Lui sighed, "Just stop and get over here. "Y/N walked over to Lui and tried his 'surprise'. Which turned out to be F/F, "Lui! How did you know my favorite food? This is so good!" Lui blushed even more from Y/N words, "Of course it's good! I made it and obviously I'm great at everything." Lui stated while doing his famous laugh. Y/N giggled at Lui's words, "I can agree with that."  "Good." Lui and Y/N began chatting and enjoying F/F together for the rest of the morning.

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