🎀Chapter 8.🎀

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>Third pov<

"HA!" Lui huffed out as he continued his 'hardcore training.'  "Lui.. we've been training for hours! We need to have a break!" The girl/boy known as Y/N whined. "If you're tired; then go. That just means you're weak." Lui stated plainly, while continuing his training. Y/N sighed and left Lui alone for while. Lui had gotten better about letting Y/N leave while he trained for a long time. "Hmm.. where should I?-"  


"OW! Watch where you're going!" A voice yelled out. "Ah.. Sorry.." Y/N said while trying to catch her/his breath. The boy stood up and extended his hand out to them. "The names, Aiger. Aiger Akabane!" Y/N's eyes lit up when the boy introduced himself. 

"Woah! You're the guy Lui wanted to battle!" Aiger rubbed his neck, "How did you know that?"  "I sorta

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"Woah! You're the guy Lui wanted to battle!" Aiger rubbed his neck, "How did you know that?"  "I sorta.. live with him.." Y/N said, not really wanting to talk about Lui at the moment. "Oh, that's cool! Soo.. uh what's your name?"  "Oh, right, I'm Y/N L/N." Y/N said giggling a bit. Aiger blushed a bit, "So Y/N, because you said that you live with Lui. Do you like beyblading? I mean you have to." Y/N eyes lit up with excitement, "YES! I LOVE IT! WANNA SEE MY BEY?!" Y/N asked a little bit too loudly, "Ah.. yes. I never thought I'd meet someone louder than me." Aiger found himself giggling now, "Ah.. Sorry. Hehe. Sometimes I get too carried away. Anyway, here it is!" You took B/N out of your pocket; Aiger stared in awe at B/N. "Wow! You bey is awesome!" You sorta blushed at the compliment. "But can it defeat my partner, Achilles?" Aiger said with smirk.

"Heck yea! I'm pretty strong, you know?" Y/N said while flexing her/his "muscles". Aiger laughed in amusement, "You're really interesting. Here's my number if you ever wanna chat or hang out again sometime." Y/N took the paper from Aiger and put it in her/his pocket. "Alright! I'll definitely text you soon! You seem like a cool dude." Y/N said pointing finger guns at Aiger; which he laughed in response. "See ya later!" Aiger waved at the girl/guy before running off in the opposite direction. "Wow..", Y/N thought.

>Y/N pov<

You couldn't believe that you talked to the guy that Lui was wanting to battle with! You knew you couldn't tell Lui about this. He would never like you becoming friends with his "rivals"; let alone just another boy in general. Lui liked you to only associate yourself with him. You had to admit that it was kinda cute how possessive he was. Though, you didn't like limiting your contacts with Shu and Valt. You felt like Lui would hate it if he knew about you hanging out with Aiger. You suddenly remembered that Aiger's number was in your pocket, you took it out and began putting it into your phone. "Hopefully Lui won't snoop through my phone..." You sighed at the thought.





"Luii. I'm home! Lui?" You called out to Lui; only to get no response. "Lui?-" You opened the door to your bedroom, only to find Lui fast asleep. You smiled softly at Lui's figure and got into the bed beside him. You hoped that you didn't wake him, until you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. "Mmm.. what time is it?.." Lui mumbled sleepily, "It's around 7." You said, while turning over to face him. Your E/C eyes met his purple ones. "I missed you, you know.." Lui mumbled and you blushed a bit, "I'm sorry you what?" You teased him, "Don't make me repeat myself." Lui said while kissing you passionately. "I know this is random but.. I love you, Y/N. And I know I've treated you.. well.. not the best. But, I wanna be with you. I just.. don't want you to leave me.." Lui sighed and avoided eye contact with you at all costs. "Lui.. I.." You cupped his face into your hands, "I love you too, Lui. I won't leave you.. I just don't like how you can be at sometimes..."

"I know

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"I know.. I'll try to make it up to you, I promise." Lui said, this time making eye contact with you. You could tell that he meant it. You wanted something with Lui. You've loved Lui ever since you first saw him. You just never knew that he'd ever like you, but he did, he loved you to the moon and back. Even if he never showed it; Lui knew deep down that you were his and only his.

You loved Lui Shirosagi.


(Aiger is going to play a major role in this story, so I'm sorry if you don't like him. But I love him so that's why I picked him. There will also be another person who wants Y/N's love but I won't spoil it. ;) )

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