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"I made you ramen noodles," Kaeya's tail swished with pride as he smiled down at Dainsleif. "I also made some for the twins too, don't worry." His tail flicked again. He looked strange standing there, with just an apron on and pajama pants. 

Dainsleif struggled to sit up so Kaeya placed the bowl of noodles on the nightstand. He hugged Dainsleif, pulling him upright and leaning him against the back of the bed. "You're still burning up," Kaeya placed his hand on Dainsleif's forehead. "Do you feel okay enough to eat?" 

"Mm," Dainsleif nodded. He held out his hands for the bowl but Kaeya shook his head. 

"I don't trust you to hold this," he frowned a bit. "I'm going to feed you." Kaeya swirled the fork around the noodles and moved it to Dainsleif's lips. He was too tired to struggle against Kaeya's wishes so he opened his mouth. 

"You're so cute," Kaeya's tail swished as he continued to feed Dainsleif. "The most attractive human I've met by far." Dainsleif coughed. "It's true," Kaeya assured. "I'm not flattering you." 

Delirious from the fever, Dainsleif's head slammed back against the wall. Noodles fell down his chin. "Oh my, it doesn't look like you can eat yet..." Kaeya placed the bowl to his lips and put some of the broth into his mouth. He leaned forward and kissed Dainsleif, tilting his head back with his hand to allow the broth into his mouth. He slid his tongue in, guiding the liquid, but some of it still escaped, falling down Dainsleif's chin and neck. 

"You'll...get...sick..." Dainsleif muttered. 

"No, I won't. I have a good immune system," Kaeya assured, placing the bowl down on the nightstand. He crawled under the covers and nuzzled up against Dainsleif. "I'm going to keep you warm and bathe in your scent." Kaeya's ear twitched, grazing Dainsleif's nose. "Maybe I'll lick you clean like a proper cat," he smirked, glancing up at Dainsleif's expression. His fever was making him drift off again. 


"I think your fever finally broke," Kaeya picked up Dainsleif and carried him to the bathroom. He slid his pajama pants and boxers off and placed him in the warm water. Kaeya stripped too, getting in the tub across from him. 

"What are you doing?" Dainsleif's senses coming back to him. 

"I'm going to help you take a bath," Kaeya moved forward, sitting on Dainsleif's lap, he placed his hands on his shoulders. 

"You..." Dainsleif placed his hand on Kaeya's chest to push him away but instead, his hand slid down to Kaeya's stomach. "Your skin is really soft." 

"It is," Kaeya agreed. "Do you want to touch more of it?" He grabbed Dainsleif's hand and moved it toward his back. "Do you want to pet me?" Dainsleif's hand fell to Kaeya's tail. He grabbed the base of it and slid his hand across the fur. Kaeya grinned. "Do you like me, Dain?" 

"Mm," he nodded," leaning his head against the wall. He closed his eyes, sleeping again, and Kaeya moved his hands gently to clean him. Dainsleif barely moved. Kaeya's touch was gentle. He cleaned every inch of him but Dainsleif wasn't bothered. 

"I need you to lean this way," Kaeya's voice was just as gentle as his touch. He pushed Dainsleif forward and rested his head on his shoulder. He massaged his scalp, washing his hair, and poured water over him. Dainsleif's mind briefly wandered to the day he brought Kaeya home. Was this what it felt like when he washed him?

"Kaeya..." Dainsleif muttered. 

"You said my name right," Kaeya's tail flicked back and forth. Dainsleif nuzzled his face against Kaeya's neck. 


"Hm?" Kaeya tried his best to control his tail. He moved his hand behind him to grab ahold of it. 

Dainsleif rested his lips in the nook of Kaeya's neck. He kissed him, then licked from the base to his chin to kiss him again. "You're still feverish, aren't you? Come now," Kaeya gently pushed Dainsleif away. "Let's not do anything you'll regret when in your right mind." Dainsleif nodded off again so Kaeya used that time to collect himself. He exhaled a long breath and inhaled an equally long breath before picking up Dainsleif and draining the tub. He tripped over his feet on the wet ground and the two crashed back into the tub. Dainsleif hovered over Kaeya, fully awake now. 

"Kaeya?" he blinked. 

"Mhmm, uhm..." Kaeya glanced around, his ears tilting down against his head. "Dain?" 


"I'm sorry but..." Kaeya's face flushed slightly. "Do you think you could move your knee?" his breath hitched. 

Dainsleif looked down to see his knee right up against Kaeya's crotch. "That feels a bit...prickly?" 

"Cats have...uhm..." Kaeya turned his head, trying to contain himself. 

"Oh, right, sorry," Dainsleif moved his knee. 

"Cats have penile spines..." Kaeya finished his sentence. "I'm not exactly a cat but..." he stuck his tongue out and licked Dainsleif's arm so he could feel the sandpaper texture. "Some things stay." Kaeya pointed to his stomach as well. He had some small nipples on his abs. One tiny nipple for each muscle but they were barely noticeable unless closely inspected. 

Dainsleif stood up, suddenly embarrassed, and stepped out of the tub. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. "Sorry..." he muttered, his wet hair dripping on his body. Kaeya stood up and grabbed another towel and dried Dansleif's hair for him. He stepped out of the tub and hugged him from behind so that the towel would wrap him up like a blanket. 

"It's alright."

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