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"Would you mind coming inside?" Dainsleif stepped to the side to allow the stranger in. "My name is Dainsleif. I believe I am acquainted with your feline friend." 

"Oh, thank you very much," he entered and nodded in Dainsleif's direction. "My name is Zhongli."

Two cats ran out of the bathroom. One blue. One orange. The orange kept trying to run away from the blue but the blue blocked him in every direction and pounced on him. "Oh, this is the cat," Zhongli picked up the orange cat and stared into his eyes. "I have never seen a cat with eyes quite like these before. I would remember them anywhere," he smiled. 

Kaeya meowed and pawed at Dainsleif's leg. Dainsleif picked him up but the only thing Kaeya was interested in was getting a good look at Childe's humiliated face. "Will you be nice to him?" Dainsleif scolded, moving Kaeya's face to stare him in the eyes. "Your hair is usually covering your eye...are you healing okay?" Dainsleif asked, moving his face closer. Kaeya booped his nose against Dainsleif's nose. 

"Oh?" Dainsleif blinked. Kaeya licked the scratch on his cheek caused by Childe earlier. "You probably shouldn't do that. You might get sick from the dirt on his claws." Kaeya replied by meowing and continuing to lick Dainsleif's cut. 

Meanwhile, Zhongli was fawning over Childe and getting wistfully ignored. Childe had managed to escape his arms and was now hiding under the couch that the twins were still sitting on (now playing on portable devices: the switch). "Have I offended you in some way?" Zhongli rested his head on his hands, lying flat on his stomach in front of the couch. He was tempted to reach under it but didn't want to get scratched. "I apologize. Would you mind coming out from under there?" 

"I take it you're not very well acquainted with how to approach cats," Dainsleif stared down at Zhongli. Kaeya had claimed dominion over his shoulder and was perched like a pirate's parrot. 

"I've never been very good with animals, I confess," Zhongli looked up at Dainsleif. "Is there a secret to it?" 

Dainsleif smiled slightly and went into the kitchen to open a can of tuna. When he returned, Kaeya was attempting to bat at it over his shoulder. He handed off the tuna can (now empty on a plate) to Zhongli and grabbed Kaeya to keep him from eating it instead. Childe reluctantly poked his head out from under the couch and started licking the tuna. Zhongli moved his hand slowly to pet Childe as he ate. 

"Well, those two are getting along well," Dainsleif nodded. Kaeya kept attempting to get to the tuna so Dainsleif went back into the kitchen. "I will open you your own can," he assured. He got another can and he did open it but Dainsleif ended up eating it himself. He dozed out and got entranced by the fascinating scent of canned fish. He might actually be a catperson himself, if one squints to look at him. Kaeya frowned, although it wasn't possible to see on a cat face, so he shifted back to the human-like form. 

"You ate my tuna," he pouted. 

"Hm?" Dainsleif turned his head but he still wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. He was completely in another reality at the moment. 

"My tuna..." Kaeya grabbed Dainsleif's cheeks and brought his face close to his. He licked his lip and shoved his tongue into Dainsleif's mouth to scrape off what was left of the tuna from his inner cheeks and teeth. 

"Kaeya?" Dainsleif blinked a few times, confused. "I thought you didn't steal kisses." 

"I don't," Kaeya grinned. "I steal tuna," he licked his lips. 

"You're naked," Dainsleif glanced down and grabbed Kaeya's shoulders, guiding him into the corner of the kitchen. He took off his shirt and draped it over Kaeya's shoulders. It didn't do much but it was better than having him wander around completely naked with the twins practically right there and a stranger in the house. 

"Wait, is it okay for you to be like this? What if Zhongli sees you?" 

"I didn't realize we were at the level in our relationship where you could be jealous over who sees my body," Kaeya snickered, placing his hand on his torso. 

"Oh no...I didn't- I meant-" Dainsleif placed his hands by Kaeya's ears and cupped them. "Is it okay for people to see these?" 

"I let you see them, didn't I?" Kaeya laughed. "And the twins." 

"Right, yes, but...I just thought..." Dainsleif moved his hands away but Kaeya grabbed them and held them by his ears. 

"I'm teasing you," he assured. "No, I don't transform like this for everyone." Dainsleif smiled and kissed Kaeya's forehead. 

"Big Bro?" Aether walked into the kitchen and Dainsleif turned around sharply, standing in front of Kaeya so Aether didn't have to see him naked. 


"Can I have some fruit gummies?" he pointed to the cabinet that was too high for him to reach. 

"Alright little guy," Dainsleif knelt down to wrap his arms around Aether's waist and hoist him up into the air so he could open the cabinet himself. He giggled and reached out his little hands to grab some gummies. 

"Thanks," Aether grinned from ear to ear once Dainsleif put him back down and then ran off to his couch spot. 

"That was probably the cutest sibling interaction I have seen yet," Kaeya announced. 

"Huh? Oh... sorry, I'm..." Dainsleif ran his hand down his face and sighed. "I'm really tired." 

"I can see that." 

"I just..." Dainsleif wobbled to the side and fell into Kaeya. He rested his head on Kaeya's shoulder and dozed off. 

"Dain?" Kaeya pet Dainsleif's head, fluffing his hair. "Dain are you sure you want to sleep here? Standing?" But it was too late. He was already asleep. 

"Uhm," Zhongli entered the kitchen and Kaeya immediately flattened his ears in an attempt to hide them so that it looked as if they were just hair. He wouldn't be able to tell...probably. 

"Thank you for letting me stay. I am going to take this feline creature and depart from your abode," Zhongli nodded and left holding Childe in his hands. 

"That fellow is strange but I can see why Childe likes him." 

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