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Dainsleif's eyebrows furrowed as sweat built up on the entirety of his body. 

"Dain?" Kaeya tapped his cheek lightly to try and wake him up. Dainsleif's sweating got worse and ultimately he sat up but his eyes were still closed. He reached his hand out toward the window and muttered words Kaeya couldn't make out. 

"Dain!" Kaeya shook him to wake him up. He made his hands cold with magic to try and entice a response. 

Dainsleif's eyes flew open. He breathed as if he had just been running a marathon. Kaeya pulled him close, holding him in his arms. "Dain? Are you okay?" 

"So much violence..." 

"In your dream?" 

"It wasn't a dream Kaeya...I don't know if it was the past or the future but something ominous was there." 

"Are you okay?" Kaeya ran his hand through Dainsleif's hair and continued to do so to try and calm him down. "Something odd has been happening since you've arrived in my world." 

"I don't know..." 

"Big Bro!" Aether ran into the room and jumped onto the bed. "Look what we grew in the teapot!" he held out a flower. 

"I researched the proper way to grow them," Lumine placed her hands on her hips, smiling smugly. 

"My two little geniuses," Dainsleif placed his hand on Aether's head and ruffled his hair. Lumine walked toward the bed and climbed on too, wanting head pats as well. Dainsleif complied. 

"Where are Fischl and Oz?" Kaeya asked. 

"Still in the teapot," Lumine replied. "Oz is making us breakfast." 

"Really?" Kaeya blinked. "He must really like you two," Kaeya smiled, poking each of their noses. "He doesn't stay in a human form for most people." 

"Mr. Bird is very nice," Aether smiled. "I love his feathers. So soft. He said he would make me a pillow with them." 

"Aether, come on, we have to go check on the flowers!" Lumine grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room. 

"I have to go do a couple of prince things today," Kaeya placed his hand on Dainsleif's back. "Are you going to be okay?" 

"Are there things you need me to do? Like food shopping or something? I don't know...what I'm supposed to do here." Dainsleif stood up and wandered around the room. He realized after walking in a complete circle that he had no idea where clothes were or even if Kaeya had anything his size. 

"As much as I love to see you walk around naked, I know it makes you uncomfortable." Kaeya stood up and went to the wall, placing his hand on it to show a hidden door. Behind that door was a closet filled with clothes that Kaeya never wore. He only wore one outfit, for the most part. 

"Here," Kaeya took out an outfit from the back and removed the dust protector. 

"What is this celestial vibe you're trying to give me?" Dainsleif stared at the dark clothes. 

"It matches your mask..." Kaeya grinned. 

"Is that what you usually wear?" Dainsleif pointed to the outfit in front. Very blue and fluffy with...a very low cut to show lots of chest. 

"Yes," Kaeya laughed. "It's easy to pick out, isn't it?" 

"So, you've tried to wear this at some point?" Dainsleif held up the clothes in his hands. 

"Oh, no absolutely not," Kaeya shook his head. "I picked those up because I thought they looked nice. I know they don't suit me." 

"I'm getting a very deja vu moment here." 

"There are many reasons I am attracted to you, Dain," Kaeya stepped forward and placed his hands on Dainsleif's shoulders. "One of them is because we are actually quite similar." 

"I don't think you would catch me dead in a bunny suit, Kaeya." 

"Not even if I ask nicely?" 

"Do you really want to see me in one?" Dainsleif had many regrets. 

"I'm just teasing," Kaeya snickered. 


"I would like to purchase these," Dainsleif held out a basket of apples to the male behind the cart. 

"You're a human," he sneered. "We don't serve your type here." 

"So, it's true then?" someone from across the street spoke up. "Prince really did capture one alive? Why is he letting his pet run around free? Shouldn't he collar him?" 

"No, it's good to keep your humans thinking they have some free will," another person spoke. 

Dainsleif was starting to understand why Kaeya advised against having the twins go outside. 

"May I purchase these apples?" Dainsleif repeated. 

"I'll pity you but you're paying double," he pointed at Dainsleif. 

"Is it wise to overcharge someone in service to the prince?" Dainsleif asked. "Are you certain the prince will not find you unfavorable?" 

"The prince has better things to do than wander around and get annoyed for the sake of his slave," the man laughed. 

Dainsleif closed his eyes and placed the basket down. He was planning on making an apple cobbler but that would be impossible under the circumstances. "Thank you for your time," Dainsleif bowed slightly and continued walking down the path. No matter where he went he got the same treatment. He was refused service. 

"Hm," Dainsleif held his chin and thought for a moment. If he couldn't buy food he could try to collect it in the woods. However, he didn't know his way around and could get lost. Perhaps it was best just to return to Kaeya's home. 

Dainsleif braced himself as the ground shifted beneath him. He heard the noise of gears turning loudly and stomps headed in his direction. "What..." Dainsleif stared up at the giant mechanical creature. Brief flashes of memories came back to him but he was unable to cling onto them. All he knew was how to defeat this thing because he had remembered making one. 

"Ruin Guard!" Someone screamed and ran in the opposite direction. Chaos ensued and others made a commotion, trying to run away as fast as possible. 

"Pardon me," Dainsleif ran to the cart the Ruin Guard had destroyed and picked up a piece of it. The person who owned the cart was cowering behind what was left of it. He didn't have it in him to throw resentment at Dainsleif again. 

Dainsleif held the piece of it firmly in his hands and ran toward the Ruin Guard. He jumped and dodged the Ruin Guard's attack in mid-air, landing on his arm and throwing the shard from the cart into the eye-like center. The machine whirred and shut down. 

"You saved me..." the male who had refused him apples earlier stood up from behind his broken cart. "But I was..." 

"Think nothing of it," Dainsleif pulled the shard out of the Ruin Guard and placed it back beside the cart. "If you would allow me, I can assist with the repairing of your cart." 

"You'd do that?" 

"Mhm," Dainsleif nodded. 

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