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"Where did you get all of this money?" Dainsleif stared at the collection of bills Kaeya had thrown into his hands. 


"That's not-" 

"It was legal," Kaeya insisted. "I didn't put myself in danger and I got money. What are you so worried about?" Kaeya took off the beanie on his head and his ears popped out. He laid on the floor and stretched, in that classic way a cat does with arms out in front and butt in the air. His tail flicking back and forth while Dainsleif was forced to look at his ass. 

"Uhm-" Dainsleif looked around the room. 

"Hm?" Kaeya sat down on his knees and looked up at Dainsleif. 

"Are you really not going to tell me?" 

"It's probably better if you don't know," Kaeya stated, crossing his arms. "Not because what I'm doing is bad...but...you might get jealous if you find out." 

"Are you working in a strip club?!" Dainsleif blurted out. 

"Eh?" Kaeya blinked rapidly, wondering if he heard that right. "What kind of cat do you think I am anyway?" he cackled. "I know I seem like the type to run around with people but I'm just a flirt," Kaeya stood up and grabbed Dainsleif's arms. "All I do is flirt. When I find someone I like I'm very loyal. You don't have anything to worry about," Kaeya moved his hands up to Dainsleif's face. 

"You like me?" 

"Oh dear, do we have to start there?" Kaeya sighed, ears flattening against his head. "You're hopeless, aren't you?" 

Dainsleif swatted Kaeya's hands away from his face and grabbed Kaeya's chin, tilting it up to look him in the eyes. He pushed Kaeya back into the wall and slammed his other hand down by his head. "I want to hear you say it." 

"D-Dain?" Kaeya's voice squeaked as Dainsleif's body moved closer to his. He wasn't used to Dainsleif acting this way. It made him quite flustered. 

"Kaeya, do you like me?" 

"Y-yes. Dain, I like you." 

"Then stay safe for me please." Dainsleif rested his forehead on Kaeya's shoulder then moved to kiss his neck. 


"Will you let me give you a collar?" Dainsleif found himself asking. He quickly stepped away and waved his hands in the air. "Sorry, no, you don't have to...I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry." 

"Do you have one?" Kaeya stared. 


"Do you have a collar for me?" 

"It's not a collar but..." Dainsleif walked back into his room and searched around in a drawer. "I got this a while back because I thought it looked nice. I would look weird wearing it though so I haven't..." Dainsleif held out a leather choker with an open heart in the center. 

"Hahaha!" Kaeya took it from Dainsleif and tried to imagine him wearing it. It was impossible. "This doesn't suit you at all!" 

"Yes, I know..." Dainsleif sighed. 

Kaeya put it on and placed his fingers by the open heart. "Well?" he grinned, ear twitching and tail flicking slightly. 

"It suits you much better than it would me," Dainsleif nodded, holding his chin and nodding a second time. 

"That wouldn't take much..." Kaeya's ears drooped slightly. 

"You look very cute," Dainsleif patted Kaeya's head and smiled. He blushed slightly and grabbed Dainsleif's hand. 

"Do you really think so?" 

"Mhm," Dainsleif nodded. 

"Ehe," Kaeya grinned before pushing Dainsleif up against his dresser. He rested his hand by Dainseif's torso, grabbing the dresser and looked up, tail flicking from side to side. "Do you just think I'm cute?" 

"I find it very difficult to admit I'm attracted to a cat..." Dainsleif's breath hitched. 

"I'm not exactly a cat," Kaeya paused, unsure of how to explain it. Then he realized what Dainsleif had said. His face flushed. "You're attracted to me..." he muttered. "I didn't think you'd admit it..." 

"Kaeya..." Dainsleif spoke. 


"You should probably head to bed if you're working again tomorrow." 

"Are you not sleeping now?" Kaeya frowned a bit. 

"Oh, uhm..." Dainsleif glanced away. "I was going to look up job listings for a bit." 

"You really don't like relying on people, hm?" Kaeya sighed, tail falling behind him. 

"I feel restless staying at home all day..." Dainsleif confessed. "It's nice to finally have time to spend with the twins but..." 

"Alright," Kaeya nodded. "I'll go to bed then," he reached his arms above his head and stretched. Kaeya walked over to the bed and plopped on top of the covers, curling up into a ball even though he wasn't in his cat form. 

"..." Dainsleif covered his mouth and stared at Kaeya, already lightly sleeping. "...cute," he muttered, exiting his room to go look for job listings on the laptop in the living room. 

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