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"Hmm?" Dainsleif refused to open his eyes. He just nodded his head. 

"Dain..." a voice he hadn't heard before spoke to him, whispering in his ear. He could feel a hand gently grab his shoulder, shaking him. "You're going to be late for work." How was it possible for a human to have a voice so nice on the ears? 

"Hm?" Dainsleif opened his eyes slightly. He could barely see so he rubbed his single working eye and stared at the blob in front of him. His sight slowly becoming more focused. An individual with blue hair lay on his side, next to Dainsleif. Two furry ears twitched slightly on the top of his head. His tail swished from side to side...and he was...naked?!

Dainsleif fell out of his bed and sat up. He stared at the stranger. "Why are you in my bed?" he pointed. "Why are you naked?! Why are you naked in my bed?!" 

"Dain," the individual moved to the side of the bed and rested his hands on the edge. He looked down at Dainsleif, ear twitching and face grinning with amusement. He moved his hand to his hair and moved it to the side. "We both have injured eyes, remember?" 

"You're that...cat?"

The individual slid off of the bed and crawled over to Dainsleif. Dainsleif tried to scoot back but he froze instead. The catperson's hands rested on either side of Dainsleif with his face right in front of his. He stared into it, ear twitching again, tail swishing, and nuzzled his cheek against Dainsleif's cheek. "My name is Kaeya." 


"Kaeya," he repeated, enunciating further. 


"Kae will do," the catperson frowned a bit, moving away and sitting down. He moved his hand to his furry ear and rubbed it with his wrist, a motion similar to a cat's when they clean their ear. 

"Wait...if you're a person then..." Dainsleif's cheeks turned a slight pink as he thought about the shower.

"Hm?" Kaeya smiled innocently. He scooted forward again and moved his hand to Dainsleif's thigh. 

"Will you stop that?" Dainsleif grabbed Kaeya's wrist and moved his hand away from his thigh. 

"But you seemed to enjoy it..." 

"I-" Dainsleif dropped Kaeya's hand and stood up. "I have to go to work." 


Dainsleif's hand hovered over the door to his own house. He wanted to go inside but he kept thinking about Kaeya. He took a deep breath to prepare himself mentally and then opened the door. Walking inside his home, he didn't see the catperson but instead the cat, on his back, playing with a string Aether was holding. Relieved, Dainsleif moved toward the twins and patted each of their heads. 

"Thanks," he nodded in Jean's direction. 

"I'm leaving tomorrow." 

"That's not a week..." Dainsleif couldn't hide his disappointment. 

"I know, I'm sorry, but..." Jean apologized. 

"It's fine, it's fine, I'll figure something out even if I have to take a few days off." 

"I'm really sorry," she apologized again, leaving the siblings alone with the mysterious cat. 

"Big Bro?" Aether pulled on Dainsleif's sleeve. 

"Are we going to be okay?" Lumine grabbed his other sleeve. 

"Mm," Dainsleif nodded, trying to smile a bit. "I'll figure something out." 

"Are we going to have to move?" Aether's eyes filled with tears. 

"Don't cry," Dainsleif pulled Aether close to him, hiding his face in his chest. He patted his head repeatedly. 

"I miss Mommy and Daddy!" he sobbed, holding onto Dainsleif tightly. Lumine sniffled, trying her best not to cry too. 

The cat meowed pawing at Aether's leg. He sniffled, pushing Dainsleif away and holding the cat. The cat purred in his arms, nuzzling his face against Aether's chest. Aether sniffed, trying not to cry again. 

"See? It's going to be fine..." Dainsleif nodded, feeling his eyelids get heavy. He fell back onto the floor, falling asleep. 


Dainsleif's eyes fluttered open to see Kaeya's face over his. "You have a fever," Kaeya explained, placing a washcloth on Dainsleif's forehead. "I called out of work for you." 

"How do y-" 

Kaeya placed his finger on Dainsleif's mouth. "I just asked your siblings where you worked." Dainsleif's eyes widened slightly, fearing that Kaeya walked out of his room naked. He chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm borrowing your pajamas," he pointed to his legs. Dainsleif glanced down, relieved. 

"Big Bro?" Aether quietly opened the door and walked over to the bed. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked. "You're not going to leave us too...are you?" he tried his best not to cry. 

"It's just a fever," Kaeya spoke for him. 

"So he is going to be okay, Mr. Kitty?" Aether sniffled, wiping away the tear from his eye. Dainsleif didn't even wish to begin thinking about why Aether would be completely okay seeing a cat transform into a person. He just left assumed kids were better with these sorts of things. 

"I'm going to take good care of him," Kaeya assured, placing his hand on Dainsleif's head, patting him lightly. "You just leave things to me, okay?" 

"Okay..." Aether nodded, leaving the room. 

"Now then," Kaeya stared down at Dainsleif's flushed face. "I'm really looking forward to wiping down that body of yours with a towel so don't hold back," Kaeya leaned forward, hovering over Dainsleif's face. "Let me know when that sweat becomes too much for you, like a good boy," he slid his hand down Dainsleif's cheek and tapped his nose lightly with his finger. 


"Shhhh, rest now," Kaeya grinned. 

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