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"This...is where you lived?" Dainsleif looked out the window at the lavish city. He didn't understand why Kaeya would be so interested in trying to associate with humans when all they did was injure his eye and leave him starving. 

"You want to know why I left?" Kaeya asked, jumping onto his bed, still in his panther form. 

"I won't ask you to answer things you don't want to," Dainsleif turned. "Are the twins asleep?" 

"Yes, they preferred to stay in the teapot though...even when I told them I would take everything out. They refused saying they enjoyed the secrecy and mystery of a teapot world and home. Don't worry, Oz and Fischl are watching them." 

"That sounds about right," Dainsleif moved his hand to his mask. "They said this mask made me look cool. Lumine wanted to wear one herself and even attempted to take it off." 

"Do you regret coming here?" Kaeya slipped off of the bed and stood before Dainsleif. His big panther eyes staring up at him. 

"No," Dainsleif shook his head. "The only thing I have are the twins. As long as they are safe and I am with them, everything is fine." 

"They can't leave my home without an escort. Humans are hated here. Even children will be treated poorly." 

"Does that have something to do with why Childe hates humans?" 

"You remember that?" Kaeya shifted back into his humanoid appearance and hugged Dainsleif. "I'm going to protect you from them. Don't worry." 

"That hasn't answered my question." 

"There once was a city in this world built by humans and their great scientific discoveries," Kaeya explained. "But humans are greedy and prideful. They kept building and building, trying to challenge the gods and mystical creatures of this world with their machines. In the end," Kaeya turned and looked out the window, tail flicking as he placed his hand on the railing. "...a machine broke and destroyed a considerable portion of the world. Humans were banned from this place and sent to their own. Everyone here has hated them ever since." 

"You sought humans out though. Why?" Dainsleif placed his hand on Kaeya's naked shoulder. Kaeya placed his own hand on top of his and looked up. 

"I am the prince here," Kaeya chuckled, "I got tired of being fawned over by people who were scared of repercussions." 

"So you went to humans?" 

"I thought it might keep them from coming after me for a while. If I went to a place filled with creatures they all hated." 

"Did you enjoy that world?" 

"It was very interesting," Kaeya lifted his hands to Dainsleif's face. "Science there was much different than it was here. I wonder if it's because humans decided to abandon magic altogether, believing it to be fake." 

"Humans imagined gods for themselves with which to debate and argue over. Potential beings that never fought back and couldn't compete with them. It was nothing like the things they made here," Dainsleif glanced out the window. "So, they advanced further." 

"You're talking as if you saw the human world here. How did you know Dvalin's name? Dain, who are you?" Kaeya asked. 

"The words are coming out of my mouth before I can understand where they've come from," Dainsleif apologetically spoke. "I don't know why I'm saying them. I see flashes of images and words flow out." 

"Are you...?" 


"Hm?" his ear twitched. 

"Am I supposed to call you Master now?" 

"Maybe when we are alone," Kaeya grinned, moving his arms around Dainsleif's neck and hanging off of him. 

"Kaeya..." Dainsleif took a step back, trying to support Kaeya's weight. "I'm amazed this didn't break when you transformed into a panther..." Dainsleif moved his hands to hold Kaeya and pointed to his choker. "Also...when are you going to put clothes on?" 

"I put a spell on it so it would enlarge and shrink with me when I changed," Kaeya grinned, proud of himself. 

"Do you like it that much?" 

"It was the first present you gave me. I'm going to treasure it well." Kaeya moved his hands down Dainsleif's back and under his shirt. "As for the clothes though, I think you should remove yours too." 

"Is that...an order?" 

"Dain..." Kaeya frowned slightly. "I will tell you it's an order if it's an order. With the mask, I have to be clear or you'd die from refusing the simplest of things. Do you really think I'd force you to take off your clothes if you didn't want to?" 

"That isn't what I mean," Dainsleif moved his face closer to Kaeya's so there was little space to separate them. "Is that an order, Master Kaeya?" his eyes glimmered slightly. Kaeya's mischievous personality was rubbing off on him. 

"O-oh?" Kaeya's face flushed just a tad. His arms fell by his sides and Dainsleif took a step back to remove his shirt. "Are you really going to do it?" Kaeya covered his eyes with his hands and peeked through the gaps in his fingers.

"You've seen me naked before a few times," a small laugh escaped Dainsleif's lips. 

"I know but this is different," Kaeya muttered. "You've never slept next to me naked or even taken a shower with me when you haven't been sick. I haven't really looked properly." 

"Then," Dainsleif gestured for Kaeya to come closer again. "Would you care to take a proper look?" 

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