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The Queen fell to the ground with Dainsleif hovering over her and watching the sky. The soft buzzing turned into a loud mechanical whirring. Everyone in the stadium shielded themselves in one way or another from the Ruin Hunter in the sky. Dainsleif stood up and flung the cape-like attribute to his outfit behind him. He stood up on the edge of the railing and jumped up to the flag of the Queen, tearing the pole off of the wall. He allowed the flag to drop and with great precision aimed the pole at the Ruin Hunter. It didn't entirely damage the weak spot but it damaged it enough to make the missiles about to fire fewer in number. 

Dainsleif ran and jumped up to the pole, dangling off of it as he climbed up on top of the Ruin Hunter. He lifted his hand above his head and then slammed his hand down into one of the cracks in the machinery for the power crystal. The Ruin Hunter's protective system kicked in and it attempted to aim whatever missiles it had at Dainsleif. He gritted his teeth and yanked with all of his might to remove the crystal. Just in time before it fired. The Ruin Hunter smashed into the center of the stadium with Dainsleif standing on top of it. His gloves were thoroughly tattered and pieces of his sleeves were torn, dripping with blood. 

"My Queen," Kaeya waved his hand to remove the shield he had put up above him. He gestured to Dainsleif. "Do you doubt the human who has saved your life?" 

"Your point has been proven, Prince Kaeya," the Queen returned to her throne. "I shall allow him to be in your care for the time being." 

"Your Majesty-" Dottore interjected. 

"Silence," the Queen glared and Dottore shut his mouth, placing his mask back on his face. 

"Permission to speak, Your Majesty?" Dainsleif hopped off of the Ruin Hunter and returned to his place behind Kaeya. The Queen did not show her surprise. She nodded, interested in whatever the human had to say. "These machines," Dainsleif crushed the core in his hands and dropped the shards. "They are not sentient. They have no free will. Machines are controlled, guided, and programmed."

"Do you think me a fool, human?" the Queen spoke before Dainsleif was finished. 

"No," Dainsleif stared up at the Queen, making eye contact with her for the first time. "I am simply reminding you of this fact. In a world such as this, it is very easy to forget machines are machines. There is always an outside source giving orders to these things." 

"What are you suggesting, human? Speak plainly." 

Dainsleif had tried very hard to remain vague in hopes she would come to the conclusion herself. However, it would be dangerous for an outsider to suggest what he was saying. He opened his mouth but Kaeya held out his hand to the Queen and gestured around the stadium. "My Queen, Dain is suggesting someone or something purposely tried to attack you by hiding behind the Ruin Hunter. He is suggesting that you may have a traitor on your council seeking to frame him simply because he is human." 

"Intriguing," the Queen chuckled. "The summons shall be dismissed, take care of your human, Prince Kaeya, tend to his wounds, I should enjoy to have a conversation with him again sometime." She pointed her staff toward Dainsleif before turning it upright again and tapping the ground. Everyone at the summons instantly teleported to their homes. 

"Dain!" Kaeya immediately turned to Dainsleif and held his shoulders. Dainsleif's eyes rolled back into his head as he fell forward into Kaeya. He'd lost more blood than he thought. "Dain!" Kaeya repeated, sinking to his knees. He held Dainsleif tightly but decided to gently place him on the ground. Kaeya shifted into his panther form and licked Dainsleif's wounds after gently tearing the fabric. 

"Kaeya..." Dainsleif's eyes fluttered open as he regained consciousness. "Kaeya?" He lifted his hand to Kaeya's furry face. 

"Why would you do something so dangerous? You nearly gave me a heart attack," Kaeya's voice was slightly deeper in this form. The change startled Dainsleif since he hadn't heard it in a while. 

"Dottore..." he muttered. "He wanted me to take the blame." 

"Dottore?" Kaeya blinked. "How would you know if he had anything to do with this or not?" 

"He is shrowded with abyssal energy." 


Dainsleif closed his eyes, leaning into Kaeya's panther face. He fell asleep. Kaeya laid down on the ground beside him, allowing him to rest. He shifted Dainsleif slightly so that he would lay in the center of Kaeya's torso as Kaeya curled around him. He rested his tail on Dainsleif's lap to keep him somewhat warm. 

"Hm," Kaeya stared at Dainsleif's wounds. "Strange. My saliva in this form has healing properties but...you weren't healed completely. I wonder why that is." 

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