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Dainsleif yawned, sitting up in his bed. The cat was curled up on his pillow right beside his face. It looked up at him, blinked its single eye, and stretched. It moved to his lap and purred, kneading his crotch. 

"Uhm..." Dainsleif picked up the cat's paws to try and relocate them to his thigh, or even his stomach, but the cat was deadset on kneading his crotch. Dainsleif wasn't sure what to do about that. "I know you're a cat...but still..." He tried again to move the cat's paws away from his crotch and failed. 

"Dain! Dain!" the twins ran into his room and jumped up on his bed. Each one arguing over who could pet the cat first. 

"I have to go to work, don't torment the critter too much, okay?" Dainsleif said. 

"Don't worry about that, Dainsleif," Jean smiled, crossing her arms. "I'll be sure to look after them while you're gone." 

"Thanks for doing this," Dainsleif scratched the back of his neck. "I won't be back until late. I have to get supplies for the cat. I've never actually...owned a pet before...so it could take a while." 

"What will you do when I go back into the city?" Jean crossed her arms, concerned. "I'm only here for another week. Who is going to watch the twins?" 

"I will have to hire a babysitter..." 

"But you don't have the mone-" 

"I don't really have a choice, now do I?" Dainsleif sighed. "Would you three please leave so I can get dressed?" The twins whined, refusing to leave the cat alone until Jean picked them up by the back of their shirt collars and dragged them out of the room. She closed the door so that Dainsleif could get dressed. 

Feeling the intensity of the cat's stare, Dainsleif wasn't sure what to do. He was just a cat, wasn't he? Why was he feeling so flustered around him? Dainsleif lightly slapped his cheeks and got dressed. The cat nuzzled his feet, meowing up at him. He stood on his hind legs and reached up Dainsleif's leg. 

"Do you want me to pick you up?" Dainsleif asked. The cat meowed in response. "Was that a yes?" Dainsleif leaned down and picked up the cat. The cat nuzzled his face into Dainsleif's cheek and pressed his nose against Dainsleif's nose. 

"Do cats normally do this sort of thing?" Dainsleif pondered, with the cat only meowing once to answer him. 


Dainsleif opened the door with lots of bags in his hands. He closed it and leaned up against the door, falling to the ground. "Do you want some help with that?" Jean asked, grabbing a few of them. 

"Thanks," he nodded. 

"You got groceries...and some tuna cans..." Jean spoke, unpacking a few of the bags. "Did you forget to get a litterbox and-" 

"Fuc-!" Dainsleif stopped himself from cursing and slammed his head down on the floor, curling his hands into fists. "I didn't get anything for the cat!" 

"Did you get this much tuna for yourself then?" Jean blinked, slightly concerned. 

"There was a sale..." Dainsleif fell face-first into the floor, wishing to become one with it. "I can't believe I forgot about the cat." The cat in question sauntered over to Dainsleif and placed his paw on his head. He purred quietly. Dainsleif turned his head to stare up at the cat staring down at him. 

"I think he is telling you it's okay for forgetting," Aether interpreted. 

"I would love to stay and help you sort this out, but I really have to go back now..." Jean apologized and made a swift escape. 

Dainsleif struggled to get off of the ground. Every muscle in his body hurt after the long day at work. He grunted and fell face-first into the ground again. The twins got on either side of him and attempted to pick him up. They got half of his body off of the ground and dragged him to his room. 

"Heave-ho!" they both shouted, struggling to get him on the bed. After enough trial and error, they managed to do it. 

"Did you get lunchables?" Lumine asked. 


"What does that mean?" Aether asked Lumine (who was more educated in Dainsleif speak). 

"He did get them!" she grabbed her twin's hand and dragged him into the kitchen, searching the bags for the lunchables. 

Dainsleif's face sunk into the pillow. The cat jumped up onto the bed and stood on Dainsleif's back. "Gah!" he winced but didn't have the energy to move him. The cat moved his paws along Dainsleif's back as if to give him a massage. 

"Mmmm..." Dainsleif muttered into the pillow. When the cat was finished and jumped off his back, Dainsleif rolled over. "I don't know what to make of you..." he stared at the cat, moving his hand a bit but not quite far enough to pet him. The cat walked up to his hand and moved his head under it, petting himself. 

"I want some tuna..." Dainsleif's eyes fluttered shut, as he drifted off into a deep sleep. 

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