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Teenage Bucky x Teenage Reader
(Early 1930's)

You sat in front of your vanity, rolling your hair up and pinning it down. You should've been asleep hours ago, but your body insisted on keeping you awake.

You heard a knock on your window frame and nearly jumped out of your skin. You would've screamed if you weren't used to this. You walked over to the window, shaking your head as you lifted the frame.

"Bucky, it is two in the morning. Do you realize that? My father would kill you if he knew you were here! I'm positive he already wants to!" You whisper-yelled.

"Would you quit worrying so much, doll-face? Your pops isn't gonna kill me. Now c'mon, we're going out." Bucky said, a little too loud for your liking.

"Shhhhhh! My parents are right down the hall and Jeremy is next door!" You whispered.

Bucky sighed dramatically and rolled his eyes. He walked over to your dresser and began going through the drawers.

"Hey! Get out of there!" You whispered.

Bucky threw you a plaid jumper-style dress and nodded.

"Put it on, we're leaving in five minutes." He said.

You turned your back on him and slipped the dress on.

"It would be nice if I could go out in trousers for once." You huffed.

"Your father would actually kill both of us for that." He said.

You laughed quietly. You heard a quiet tap on your door and froze.

"Damn it! Jeremy's awake!" You whispered.

You ran on your tiptoes to a box on your dresser and pulled out a lollipop. Jeremy tapped on your door again and walked in.

"What's going on?" He asked softly, rubbing at his eyes.

"Jeremy, I'm just going out with Bucky for a little while. You remember Bucky, right?" You whispered.

Jeremy nodded.

"Hey, champ. What are 'ya? Seven now?" Bucky said.

"I'm eight," Jeremy said.

"If you don't say anything, I'll give you this lollipop now, and extra dessert tomorrow night." You whispered.

Jeremy nodded and held his hand out. You shook it, sealing the deal.

"See you in the morning, Jerry." You said.

Jeremy hugged you and walked back to his room.

"Is Stevie coming?" You asked as you applied red lipstick.

"He needs his sleep tonight," Bucky said softly, signaling he didn't want to say anymore.

"Okay. Well, let's get out of here before you wake my parents." You said.

You slipped on your shoes and hat, then climbed through the window. Bucky followed you out and led you off of the roof.

"So, where are we going?" You asked.

"You'll see." He said.

You groaned and trudged beside him.
You crossed your arms over your chest and ran your hands up your arms.

"Are you cold?" Bucky asked.

"A little. It is October, after all." You said with a giggle.

Bucky unbuttoned his sweater and handed it to you.

"Bucky," You protested.

"I insist. Now, put it on before you freeze. I know how cold you get." He said.

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