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You stood on the platform with your suitcase, hugging your coat to your body. You regretted choosing style over warmth as the bitter air nipped at your skin.

You let out a sigh of relief when you saw the train rolling into the station. It slowed to a stop and the doors opened.

"All aboard! We leave in six minutes on the dot!" The conductor yelled.

You looked around and saw people begin to board the train. You saw a brown-haired man standing alone in a brown jacket and houndstooth newsboy cap. He was quite handsome.

The man walked forward and stepped into the train, glancing back at you. You tilted your head, feeling captivated by his piercing blue eyes. The man tipped his cap to you and walked inside. You smiled to yourself as you picked up your suitcase.

You boarded the train and pulled out your ticket. Your seat was in car eight. You headed through the cars. You could feel the train move beneath your feet.

You stored your luggage above your seat and sat down, pulling your phone and notebook out of your pocket. You glanced around, only to make eye contact with the man from before. You gave him a shy smile before looking away.

You looked out the window and sketched what you saw; snow covered mountains, snow covered trees, and plain ole' snow.

"What're you doing?" Someone asked.

You looked up to see the man standing casually beside the seat across from you.

"Sketching the landscape." You replied politely.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked, gesturing to the seat across from you.

You took off your hat, smoothing your hair down. The man sat down across from you and crossed his legs.

"I'm Bucky, by the way." He said.

You smiled, finding the name very fitting.

"Y/n." You said, holding your hand out to him.

Bucky shook your hand with a smile.

"Here," You said, handing him your notebook.

"Wow. That's really good." He said, chuckling.

His laugh was like music to your ears. You smiled and bit your bottom lip.

"Thank you." You replied.

A waitress walked up to you and smiled.

"Can I get you two anything to eat or drink?" She asked.

"Oh! Uh, could I get an earl grey?" You asked.

The woman nodded and looked to Bucky.

"Black coffee." He said.

She nodded and walked away.

"So, where are you headed?" Bucky asked.

"I'm not quite sure. I'm just seeing where the world takes me." You said.

Bucky nodded, intrigued by your answer.

"How about you?" You asked.

"I'm headed to Romania. I have family there and it's time I go visit them." He said.

You smiled.

"That sounds like fun. Are you from Romania?" You asked.

He shook his head.

"I'm from Brooklyn, New York." He said.

"Wow, you're a long way from home." You said.

He shrugged.

"I had no reason to stay there. It's just where I grew up." He said.

"Ah, I see. I have no reason to stay in my town either." You said.

"May I ask where you're from?" He asked.

"(Insert hometown)" You said.

He nodded.

"Here is your tea and your coffee." The waitress said, handing each of you a cup and plate.

You smiled and picked up the mug.

"Thank you." You said.

She nodded and walked away. You sipped on your tea and smiled.

"Good, I presume?" Bucky asked.

"Presume seems like too fancy of a word coming from a Brooklyn boy." You teased.

"Hey! Brooklyn was- is a nice place." He said.

"No, was is right." You said.

He rolled his eyes and you chuckled.

"So, what kind of music do you like?" You asked.

"You're gonna think I'm weird." He said.

"I doubt it." You said.

"I like 40's music." He said.

"I like some of it." You said.

Bucky nodded.

"What music do you listen to?" He asked.

"(Insert favorite genre)" You said.

"Of course." He said.

"Now you're judging me!" You said.

"You judged me first." Bucky said.

"Whatever. Mine is better than yours." You said.

"Whatever." Bucky said.

Your phone started buzzing and your dad's ID popped up. You stared at the name for a moment.

"Are you gonna answer that?" Bucky asked.

You pressed the power button, declining the call.

An awkward silence washed over the two of you as you began fidgeting with your fingernails.

"You know, I didn't have a good relationship with my dad either." Bucky said.

You looked up at him.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"My father and I aren't exactly on good terms." You said.

Bucky nodded and pulled out a notebook. He handed it to you. A young woman was sketched on the the page.

"Is that me?" You asked.

"Yeah. I thought you looked really pretty looking out the window." He said.

You smiled and kissed the blank page next to the sketch. You took your pencil, writing your name and phone number in the lipstick stain.

"I hope you don't think that's weird. I thought it might look cute." You said.

Bucky smiled and shook his head.

"Not at all. I like your handwriting. It's very neat." He said.

You laughed.

"You're really trying to get brownie points." You teased.

"Brownie points?" He questioned.

"Brownie points, you know. Uh, I don't actually know how to explain them." You said, laughing.

Bucky smiled. He shook your hand, grinning wider.

"I hope to see you again, miss y/n." He said.

He went to stand but you stopped him.

"Can I have your number?" You asked.

He nodded and flipped to a blank page in your notebook. He wrote his name and number, then handed the book back to you.

"It was a pleasure meeting you." You said.

"As were you." He said.

You smiled as you watched him walk away.

Bucky Barnes One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now