Black Cadillac

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You heard a knock on your door. You walked over and opened it. To your surprise stood Bucky Barnes and Nick Fury.

"Agent y/l/n." Fury greeted.

"Fury. I would've at least gotten out my pajamas if I knew you were coming by." You said as you brushed your fingers through your hair.

"You look fine, doll," Bucky said.

You felt your stomach flutter at the pet name but chose to ignore it.
You opened the door wider, letting them in.

Fury sat down on your couch and pulled two files out of his jacket.

"You two are going on a mission. Could be two weeks, could be a couple months. Either way, we need you two." He said.

"Can I ask why you chose us exactly?" You asked.

"You and Barnes work well together." He said.

"Man of many words." You said sarcastically.

Fury gave you a look, but continued.

"You know each other's strengths, weaknesses. You are both some of my top agents. You're a great team." He elaborated.

You opened up the file and began scanning over the information.

"We're going to be a couple?" You asked.

"That's not a problem is it, y/l/n?" He asked.

You shook your head.

"No." You said.

"Good." Fury replied.

You glanced over at Bucky. His jaw was clenched tightly.

"Are you okay?" You asked.

He nodded.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." He said.

"You'll be taking the car parked out front. Your suits are in the trunk along with everything you'll need." Fury said.

You nodded.

"I'll leave you two to talk it out, don't disappoint me." He said.

And with that, Fury was gone.

"How reassuring." You said sarcastically.

Bucky chuckled.

"Well, this isn't what I expected when Fury said he had a mission for us," Bucky said.

"This is Fury we're talking about." You said.

You walked over to your bed and sat down.

"Are you okay with this mission? I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable." He said.

"I could never be uncomfortable with you if I tried." You said.

He crossed his arms and glanced at his file.

"We're getting a black Cadillac Escalade." He said.

"Really?" You asked.

He showed you the photo and you smiled.

"I've never met a dame quite like you." He said, shaking his head with a smile.

"I hope that's a good thing." You said as you examined the photo.

"Mhm." He hummed.

"It's nice. Not my choice of car, though." You said.

"What would you have chosen?" He asked.

You grinned.

"A black 1969 Ford Mustang Boss-429." You said.

"That's quite a mouthful. I'm surprised you remembered all that." He said.

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