Here with me

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Summary: You and Bucky had been sent to Germany to investigate an abandoned base. But, it wasn't abandoned as you had thought.

You walked through the dark corridor carefully, looking every direction.

"Barnes, status." You said quietly in your mic.

No response.

You frowned and moved further down the corridor, turning down a hallway. The lights flickered as you passed, adding to your uneasiness.

"Bucky, I need your status." You said, raising your voice slightly.

"Christ, chill out. I had to take out a few guards." Bucky responded.

You sighed in relief.

"Sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." You said.

"Well, thanks for checking, doll." He said.

"This place was supposed to be abandoned." You said.

"I know." Bucky replied.

"I gotta ask you- shit!" You said.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Y/n?" He asked.

"No, do not go silent. Tell me what's going." He said.

"I'm surrounded." You said.

You pulled your gun off your back and aimed it at the agents. You backed up against the wall and quickly looked behind you. There was an elevator behind you.

"If you call for reinforcements, we'll send you three stories down." An agent said.

"I really don't do threats, so." You said.

You quickly shot three of them, and turned towards the others. You ran at one and pulled a dagger out of their belt. You stabbed them in their jugular and turned around. Wrong move. The elevator doors had been forced open.

The two remaining agents charged you. One threw an uppercut to your jaw, the other kicked you in the gut. You fell to your knees and coughed out blood.

"Asshole." You sneered.

He kicked you in the head and nodded to the other agent. They lifted you up and dragged you to the doors of the elevator. You shook your head and tried to fight them off.

"Bye, bye, princess." They said.

"See you in hell." You said.

They nodded to each other and threw you down.

Time seemed to slow as you watched the men become smaller. You tried to reach for something to grab, but there was nothing. You eventually hit the ground hard, your body bouncing due to impact.

"Y/n." You heard faintly, as your vision faded.

It was a few moments before you came to. A voice was practically screaming in your ear. You fought the urge to rip out the earpiece and tried to listen.

"Y/n. Status, now." Bucky said frantically.

You lifted your head and looked around. Everything in your body was aching. You began to do a self check at what you could and couldn't move. Thankfully, everything seemed to be working, except your right leg.

You slowly sat up and examined the damage. You leg was in an unnatural position. You gagged and looked around frantically for something to wedge your leg into.

You spotted two metal poles in front of you and pulled yourself over. You cried out when you moved your leg, but secured it between the metal. You gripped the poles and took a deep breath, squeezing your eyes shut. You twisted opposite of the break, letting out a strangled cry.

Bucky Barnes One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now