It's you (smut)

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Request: Bucky x reader married _TheWinterV_

You opened your eyes one morning and glanced at your phone.

The time read, 8:15.

You sat up and stretched. You looked over to the other side of the bed, finding it to be empty. You sighed and got up.

You made the bed, stacking the pillows neatly on top of the covers. You walked out of the bedroom to the living room. You made your way into the kitchen and looked out the sliding door. Bucky was sitting on the deck chairs, looking out to the lake.

You smiled and waved to him. Bucky waved back with a smile, his eyes gleaming. You went over to your coffee maker. You grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and started a pot of coffee.

When the coffee maker beeped, you picked up the pot and poured coffee into the mugs. You held a mug in each hand and went out to the deck. You handed a mug to Bucky.

"Thanks, doll." He said.

You leaned in and kissed him. Bucky smiled against your lips. You sat down next to him and leaned into his side. He wrapped his arm around your waist.

"I love you so much, doll." He whispered.

You smiled.

"I love you too." You said.

You looked out to the lake. The morning sun made the water look like it was sparkling.

"Do you have to work today?" You asked.

"Nope. I can spend the whole day with you." Bucky said, smiling at you.

"Anything in mind you want to do?" You asked.

Bucky shook his head.

"No. I thought we could just relax today and order in tonight." He said.

"I love that idea." You said.

You stood up and kissed his cheek.

"I'm gonna go for a run." You said.

"Okay. Have fun and be safe, doll." He said.

You nodded.

"I will. I have my phone if you need anything." You said.

Bucky nodded and turned his head toward the lake. You walked inside and went to your bedroom. You changed into workout attire and placed your phone in your pocket. You put in your headphones and walked out the door.

You ran through your neighborhood, blasting your favorite songs. It was a bit cold out, but you were warm from the activity.

You headed back to your house after running for a while. You walked in the front door and locked it behind you.

Bucky was sitting on the couch in the living room watching the morning news. You waved to him as you headed to your bedroom.

"How was your run?" He asked.

"It was good!" You said.

You shut your bedroom door and walked into your bathroom. You turned on the shower and got undressed. You tested the water and got in. You sighed as the water relaxed your muscles.

Once you finished, you got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around you.

You walked out into the bedroom and searched through your drawers. You pulled out a tank top and sweats to wear.

You heard the bedroom door open and looked over. Bucky walked in and shut the door behind him.

"Hey," You said.

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