seven | shortened vacay 

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"Oh god." I gasp at the sensation.

I don't know how the fuck I got here but I'm not complaining.

"Reid." I moan and it takes me by surprise.

Reid is doing all this? Damn, if I knew he can do all this I would've have done this sooner.

He stops what he was doing and looks back up at me as I breath heavily.

I look down at him as he begins to kiss my stomach, slowly leaving a trail upwards.

When he gets to my breast, his phone on the table rings.

I stare at him in disbelief when he reaches for the phone.

"This is Reid." He announces, pressing his phone up to his ear before kissing my under boob.

"What the fu-"

"This is an important call Athena, you need to be quiet." He states, the corner of his lip curving but stops when the person on the other line speaks. "Can you do that for me? Can you be quiet while I fuck you?" He reaches his hand down and his fingers collide with my clit. "I need an answer Athena."

I nod as my mouth gapes open, I try not to make any sounds but at the same time try to enjoy the pleasure.

"Good girl." He states, more quietly than before as he dips his head down to kiss my chest again.

I feel my eyes roll back before I'm suddenly, rudely, awakened.

"Athena, wake up." Reid says, his voice louder than usual.

I open my eyes and glare at him.

"What do you want?" I groan, annoyed about being awakened from my deep slumber.

"Your taking up all the space. Go on your side so I can fix your pillow wall." He orders and I just roll over and call it a day. I hear a noise from him and I look back at him. "You can go back to sleep now." He closes his eyes but I catch a glimpse at what he was looking at before and I almost scream.

I flashed my ass to Reid.

Not my bare ass. But it was definitely my ass.

I grab the blanket and cover myself immediately before closing my eyes.

My ass is great, he just got the perfect view.

"Night." I mumble before drifting off once again.

But before I can sleep, I realize something.

Everything that happened when I was dreaming comes back to me all at once.

I'm fucking soaking.

Oh god, was it that noticeable?

"Can you do that for me? Can you be quiet while I fuck you?"

Oh Jesus christ.

I open one eye and look at Reid who had just finished remaking the pillow wall.

"Good girl."

I need help.

Or a cold shower.

A really fucking cold one.

I close my eyes again but then open it and see Reid already sleeping. Does this guy sleep easily? Like a baby? Like he doesn't do what he does for a living?

Must be nice.

Sometimes I can't sleep due to the nightmares I have. They started when I was ten. All because of my stupid father.

Every night since I got married, I've been hating myself for leaving Devi and my mom behind with that monster.

This was the first time I've had a dream that was actually happy.

I suppose. If happy means sexy then so be it.

I'm sitting on the new couch. It had just came today and it's so much nicer than the one before, the one that Reid had broke.

I was on the phone with Trinity as she rambled about a new coffee shop she found and that she absolutely loves when she gave me the idea.

I decided to go swimming. Not technically though, I don't want to get my hair wet. So the closest thing to swimming is the jacuzzi on the porch.

I had ended my call with Trinity, changed into my bikini, grabbed a bottle of wine and headed for the jacuzzi. I had tied my hair up in a ponytail so my hair wouldn't touch the water.

I enter the jacuzzi slowly, trying to adjust to the temperature of the jacuzzi which is very hot. Might have been hotter than me but let's be honest, no one can be or feel hotter than me.

I was beginning to sit down in the jacuzzi when Reid came out of the house and onto the patio, on the phone, his phone pressed up to his ear.

We make eye contact as I fix my bikini top.

I can feel the world around me slow down around me as I stare into Reid's blue eyes. I had already placed the bottle of wine on the table near the jacuzzi but I'm starting to regret not taking it in with me.

He says a few words to the person on the other line before hanging up, all while keeping eye contact with me.

"We have to leave in five hours." He states as the world goes back to its normal pace.

"Why?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion. We barely arrived three days ago. I was starting to get used to the time zone here.

"Grand opening." He answers plainly and he sees my eyes light up.

Grand opening to a restaurant? Grand opening to a new but expensive clothing store?

"To what?" I question, hoping it's a new but expensive clothing store.

"Nightclub." He responds, fixing the sleeves on his button up.



He walks away as I sit in the jacuzzi.

Since when did he have a nightclub?

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