eight | the only available seat is reid's lap

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When Reid said that there was a grand opening for a nightclub, I didn't know he meant three hours after we landed.

The timing gave me an hour and a half to change. I still looked hot of course but I was super tired. I tried to sleep on the flight back but I didn't succeed.

We were supposed to meet with Reid's longtime friend and business partner, Aaron Florence but we were running late after I made Reid make the driver to pick up Trinity.

Trinity had kept me company on the ride back, she distracted me from my wild thoughts about Reid.

When we got to the front of the club, there was a red ribbon waiting to be cut, there was a tall brunette standing with no expression on his face who I assumed to be Aaron.

My assumption was right by the way Reid had greeted him. They held eye contact the whole time and Aaron broke a tiny smile. Reid introduced me to him and I tried to keep eye contact with him but his eyes kept drifting off to the side of me where Trinity stood with a faint smile.

I introduced them and they held a handshake for a while. I got vibes from the both of them, although it could be nothing.

Reid let Aaron cut the ribbon before we went inside. The inside was filled with neon lights and the sound of drinks being made and the crowded dance floor.

Reid took us up to the vip section, where he and all the other business people would sit and chat as I took Trinity down to the bar.

"Oh my god!" She shouts over the music, she just took a shot of tequila with me. "I didn't know Reid owned a nightclub!"

"I didn't either!" I shrug, taking another shot.

"I'm so glad he does though! We can come here whenever we want and the drinks are on the house!" She smiles big.

"It's not like it matters! We can afford it either way." I shrug and she laughs.

The song changes in the background and Trinity squeals.

"Our song!" She exclaims, grabbing my hand after taking another shot, she leads me to the dance floor before she starts dancing.

"We don't have a song! If we did have a song there would too many!" I yell over the music as we walk through the crowd of people dancing, grinding, making out, on the dance floor.

"I know! I just want to dance!" She grins at me, once we find a spot on the dance floor.

Here's the thing about Trinity and me. We don't give a fuck. So once the music takes over our bodies, it's almost telepathy. We dance in sync together. And if we are feeling the vibes, we grind. Which is the current move.

We occasionally stop dancing if the song isn't that great and head to the bar to drink more.

By the time we are dancing together on the dance floor again for the eighth time, we know a hangover is waiting to happen. For me anyways, Trinity stopped drinking after the second margarita.

I hear a whistle come from a guy that is near me and Trinity.

"What's your name pretty lady?" He asks, making eye contact with Trinity's chest which makes all the happy feelings I was just having, disappear.

Trinity and I ignore the guy. We had glanced at each other and stopped dancing.

"No words?" He asks and I look around to find a place to get away from this guy.

"I have many words to say but it's just that I don't really want to talk to you." I say when I spot Reid and Aaron walking down the stairs.

"Why not? Is it because I'm ugly?" He responds, in a joking matter, slightly laughing.

"Yeah." I shrug, losing track of Reid so I look back at the guy who had stopped laughing.

"Wow. Your a fucking bitch." He states and I look at him in confusion. His flushed face tells me he's really fucking drunk.

"You asked her a question, and she answered. She's just stating the truth." Trinity shrugs.

It's not the words he said next that made me wince. It's the steps closer that he made which lead me to step in front of Trinity.

"That's not fucking true-"

"It's time for you to leave." Aaron states, placing a hand on his shoulder forcefully.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me to leave?" He asks, angrily.

"The owner." Reid states as he steps closer to me but his glare is on the man.

"Uh-huh. The owner would just stick up from some skanks that dance in their club." He says and I can feel the anger radiating off of both Reid and Aaron.

"Us 'skanks' are the wife's of the owners." I partly lie, crossing my arms.

I look over at Trinity and I can see her face flush.

The guys face drains in color as Aaron forcefully pushes the guy to the nearest exit.

"Come on." Reid orders, leading us as he walks towards the stairs.

We walk up the stairs, Aaron following us after throwing that guy out.

When we enter the vip room. It's very crowded. Reid sits in the corner. I look around the crowded room to find any seats but sigh when I don't find any.

"I'm going to go, I have a busy day tomorrow." Trinity whispers in my ear and I turn around to look at her.

"Do you want me to walk you down or take you home?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Aaron is going to walk me. Thanks for insisting Thena." She kisses my cheek. "Goodnight, I love you."

"Love you too." I slightly frown as I watch Trinity walk down with Aaron.

I wouldn't hate it.

I look around the room again for a seat and the closest thing to a seat I can find is a small space next to Reid.

I walk over there and try to sit but I can't fit.

The next thing that happens is very fast and causes my skin to tingle.

Reid puts his arm around my waist and brings me down to sit on his lap.

I look at him and I can feel his hot breath in my face. His breath smells like mint.

"Don't freak out. Everyone's wife is sitting on their husbands lap." He whispers into my ear and I just nod.

The only reason why I'm being quiet is because of the swelling underneath me. Underneath my pussy to be exact.

I hate to admit that I'm turned on again.

Reid's lap is very comfortable, even the swelling.

I smile at Reid before looking down at my lap. I look back up to acknowledge the people and to see if anyones wife is sitting on their husbands laps.

But my mood completely changes when I see the worst person enter the room.

My father.

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