twenty-four | business calls

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I stare at myself in the mirror. My body. My skin. My hair. My lips. My legs. My thighs. My stomach.

Everything about me seems so different.

But in such a good fucking way.

I turn to the side and look at my hips.

I would look so sexy pregnant.

I didn't want to get pregnant before. But now I do. I love Reid so much. I didn't love him before and it didn't feel right to just have a baby without love.

That's how Reid's parents had Reid. That's how my parents had me. No love.

But I'm so ready now.

"What are you thinking about, baby?" Reid asks from behind me, I make eye contact with him in the mirror.

I smile before turning around and telling him what I'm thinking about.

"There's definitely a problem." I announce as I look around the room.

"Athena, there's not a problem." Reid reassures me as he stares at me.

"There is and it's a huge fucking problem." I glare at him and then point to the walls. "The walls are orange. That's a bad fucking color Reid."

"Baby, you said no yellow." His arms are crossed and I can see his bare arms through his white button up.

"Doesn't mean I want orange." I stare at him.

"We shouldn't be decorating this room. Your not pregnant." He states.

"I know that, but the way we are having sex is telling me I'm about to be." I remind him. "Remember, how we are both very fertile?"

"I can start pulling out-"


We stare at each other for several minutes in silence.

"Let's repaint the room in regular white paint." I come to the conclusion.

"I'll talk to the painters." He nods before softly pulling me into his chest. "Are you sure about this?"

"When the time is right, it will happen." I smile as I stare into his eyes. "But I don't think I can spend another minute in this room. This color is a crime itself."

He laughs as I grab onto his hand and pull him out of the room.

One minute we are laughing as we walk down the hall.

The next I'm pressed up against the wall of our bedroom as Reid's tongue is caressing mine.

My grip on his shirt is so strong that I can probably rip it.

He presses his body into me as I do the same to him.

My hands make its way towards his shoulders and I'm pushing him towards the bed and push him onto it.

I climb onto his lap and kiss his lips hard. Deep.

When I pull away from him to tie my hair back, I bite his bottom lip as my teeth slowly detached from it.

I manage to take off his shirt and plant kisses over his chest. I trace my fingers over old hickeys as I create new ones.

My hands find its way to the top of his shorts when Reid's phone rings.

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