Part 2: Meeting her

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Komaru's POV:
I looked at her while i was taking a seat and while i see makoto chatting few of our fellow classmates i was bored until the principal came and said "alright sorry if im late students i will announced that there will be no school from now on because of your dorms need to decorate haha now if we may proceed let's introduced ourselves how about you mister :)." Pfttt i can't belive it makoto was the first "e-eh oh ok" as makoto walks in front of the class and the principal said "now you can proceed to introduce yourself".
"H-hi my names is makoto naegi my ultimate is ultimate lucky student i hope were all gonna be friends ahaha!😅" as i try not to laugh at my brother being nervous wreck i was been called by a principal to be next ugh why meee.

And i started "hello! My name is komaru naegi my ultimate was lilttle lucky as my brother naegi was ultimate lucky student!.." while the peincipal was shocked that there are 2 ultimate lucky student in the same class and as the other to proceed to announce their name the purple haired was now next .

Toko's POV:
G-god why me ugh i hate this already i got up slowly and walked towards on the chalkboard and i was now infront of my classmates the principal spoke "you may introduce now miss" u-ugh fine "h-hello i-i'm toko toko fukawa my ultimate was ul-ultimate writing priodigy" the principal spoke again "that was very impressive! Miss toko i was reading your book and it was great to see" this wise ass principal thinks its impressive i don't believe that at all. "Now you can proceed to your seat"
As i walked a greenish haired girl looking at me..

Komaru's POV:
As i stared at her she stared at me as i wanted to look away she spoke "w-what are you looking a-at?!" I had no reponse but i blurt in mg mouth without thinking "u-um n-nothing i was just staring into space that's all ahaha!" As she proceed to go to her seat right next to me..

Toko's POV:
"Ugh what's going on with this chick?! she thinks i'm an o-old hag!" I mumbled without noticing as i look at komaru and i look down really quick the principal spoke "okay! That's all you may kow go to your dorms" as he walked away and i looked back again at komaru s-shes staring?! "W-what do you want from me?!" As i ask her aggresively..

Komaru's POV:
"A-ah w-ell nothing! I was gonna ask if you want to get lunch or something well if you want!" I gave her a genuine smile while i smiled she looked annoyed... Well that's a bother..

Toko's POV:
"U-ugh fine just quit staring at me!"
I see her nod quickly and said sorry for staring at me for a while hmph! What a brat and someone walks towards us and it was big breasted swimmer as i sighed as she introduced herself "hiya im aoi hey toko and komaru wanna get some lunch i was gonna get some donuts!" As i rolled my eyes..

Komaru's POV:
"Absolutely! We can go with you me and fukawa we're gonna get lunch too!"
Fukawa was shocked as i mentioned her and she was quite.. blushing? "H-hey get your clingy hands and your c-chest out of my body?!" Oh i forgot i clinged on her "a-ahaha sorry😅 for that i was a little excited" as we both got up from our seat "Cmon let's go!" Aoi cheered up running as i ranned too as i holding toko's hand "Hurry up toko!!."

Toko's POV:
"A-ah H-HEy WAIT UP!! I-im not a runner dAMMIT!" We ranned towards the cafeteria

To be continued!

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